Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > im looking for some fellow dutch spinners

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stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

frown hi there,

hey, is there anyone on HOP who is currently or shortly will be living in holland? just moved back home and i havent found the spinning community yet confused

spinning on my own is fun, but, ya know, i gotsta find some, umm, colleagues (?).. identify yourselves! im lonely ubbcrying beerchug

DeempjeSILVER Member
110 posts
Location: Naaldwijk, Netherlands

Too bad I already have things to do on Saturday (and Amsterdam is a bit too far too, especially by car it's not very handy)

Hope to come to a meeting some day smile

(let's do one in The Hague biggrin)

Well how about that...

126 posts
Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands

(klick op het kaartje en zoom uit)
voor een google map van de locatie.

tot zaterdag!


~Look into the sphere Sarah,.. it can show you your dreams,...

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Hey peeps, yesterday was good fun, we should do it more often!!!

Soooo there's going to be an impromptu gathering of the Utrechty people at the liberation festival in the Transwijkpark in Utrecht on May 5th, and I reckon the rest of you non-Utrechty people should come too :-)

ETA: OMG! Ruben! You made the 3000th post in this thread! *gasp!*
EDITED_BY: Nephtys (1209370168)

everyone's unique except me

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

* bump *

Liberation day festival in Utrecht on May 5th in the Transwijkpark - get the tram from the station, they all stop at the 5 Meiplein, which is where you should hop off

who's coming?

I'll be there from somewhere in the mid-afternoon onwards.



everyone's unique except me

39 posts

I will join (and I think Marco.cj too).

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

BOY OH BOY! ZO mooi weer...


"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda


weather is not as super as it was before, but certainly still spinnable! Bit busy at the moment, so I don't dare to propose a date myself. Any other takers?

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

_pOp_BRONZE Member
Playing OldSchool Poi
593 posts
Location: amsterdam, Netherlands


I just got a PM from a jts1486 saying he's in amsterdam:

 Written by

Hallo! My love and I are in Amsterdam through May 20th and thought to meet some spinners here. It doesn't look like you're coordinating through HOP anymore, but is there a good local place where we can spin with others (and maybe even find me a staff to play with, too)?

Thanks, and I hope to meet you or other spinners while in Amsterdam. (Gorgeous city btw).


so as a date we could say before the 20th, but it seems to be raining for the next 3 days...

anyway, I'll direct him to this forum to see if there's any progress..


PS: this is his "tribe" page

meditate eRic.

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

jts1486BRONZE Member
1 post
Location: USA

Ahoy! Yah, woke up this morning to rain... I thought y'all didn't allow it to rain over here? I've had sunny skies for two weeks in Europe... so much for spinjam time, I guess.

What time is the usual spin/juggle on friday in the vondelpark? If it still happens, I'll swing by. Thanks!

126 posts
Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands

For upcomming (16-17 may) weekend I'm going to stick the weather change out indoors.

~Look into the sphere Sarah,.. it can show you your dreams,...

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ciao JTS! I'm not quite sure what happened with the General Rain Ban we had imposed. I will write and complain!

I think the regular Friday meets used to start around 9, I have no idea whether they're still happening... Amsterdammy people?

The weather is supposed to get SLIGHTLY better on Sunday, and a little better still on monday - wednesday: I'm happy to come over any of those days, but can't stay too late because of workiness * sigh *

everyone's unique except me

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

Meeting till not-so-late sounds nice (cuz of studyiness ;-] ).
Sunday should be ok...

Anyone in for next sunday in the vondelpark? With the vondelpark open-stage as a bad-weather alternative (if that's still possible though!).

Should i be stalking all again via PM or will this be read? rolleyes


"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

sunniseSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: The Netherlands

Hey guys

So after long journey I finally arrived to the same thread..
I used to be very enthusiastic about poi, fire poi, contact juggling and stuff before, but there came a time when I stopped. I stopped because I lost my inspiration in this beautiful art. I didn't see anymore what it is about to spin a balls around my head.
Today I am here again because I got an excellent idea to buy those fluffy poi for a little girl who I taking care of. I am going to teach her. I am sure she will like it. So maybe I will get inspired again.
Oh yes,My name is Iveta I used to call myself Fox29, womanoflight or sunrissse...there may be some of you who remember me..
I glad to be back and to see that this thread is still here..


_pOp_BRONZE Member
Playing OldSchool Poi
593 posts
Location: amsterdam, Netherlands


so the rain is gone..
are we meeting jts today or tomorrow, (I think he leaves tuesday)?
even if it's just nept, anon and me?
and what time?


meditate eRic.

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

well, tad bit late for a meeting today...

so that leaves monday or tuesday? both days i can only be from 19h till 22h or so...

Whaddathink JTS??

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

39 posts

Welcome back Iveta!

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands


from 18h30 till ?? we meet in The Vondelpark @ the Picasso Statue (same place as last month!).

Who will join us?!

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

40 posts
Location: Amsterdam

Hello, dear poi- & partyloverfriends,

See message underneath for details, it would be really nice if some of you can come & show your tricks (no fire is allowed, but cj & all kind of led light stuff would be so f...... nice ;-).

My friend is taping a videoclip next thursday for the song: Amsterdam Party & wants to have a lot of different people there to make a nice mix of what Amsterdam is about. Be welcome to join & dress up, do your thing (act) and/or just enjoy as your lovely self. Entrance = free drinks very cheap & we hope it's gonna be a nice party. Spread the word, invite everyone you know

For info, scroll down.

Hey lieve mensen,

Mijn vriend heeft een band opgezet, en gaat as donderdag een videoclip opnemen. Het liedje heet Amsterdam Party, een beetje een lounge-achtig nummer. Hij wil graag dat er allerlei verschillende soorten mensen rondlopen die een goede weerspiegeling zijn van de stad. Tevens moet de avond een hoog 'act' gehalte hebben (jongleurs, acrobaten, mensen die bijzonder verkleed zijn etc). Bij deze nodigen wij jullie uit om deze avond bij te wonen. Natuurlijk ben je welkom als jezelf, maar je kunt ook je helemaal uitleven door je te verkleden als (extravagante) figurante(n) ;-).. Er gebeurt van alles tegelijk (is geloof ik de bedoeling) en alles wordt met 3 a 4 camera's vastgelegd. Hoe dan ook, het is de bedoeling dat het een geweldig leuk feest wordt en jullie zijn allemaal uitgenodigd, met of zonder kunsten, en/of extravagance.

Entree = gratis, drankjes goedkoop

Spread the Word

Hopelijk tot dan, Hedy.

Nog even de gegevens:

Donderdag 22 mei 2008
Aanvang 20:30 uur (vanaf 20 uur deuren open)
Opname videoclip en optreden van The Stand Up Realityband
Theater de Cameleon
3e Kostverlorenkade 35 (einde Overtoom voor de brug naar rechts, in het eerste blok zit theater de Cameleon)

Voor meer info kunnen jullie mij PM'en

"Pantomime is a slang expression for a situation where one is to go through the motions of doing something even though all concerned know it is a sham."

40 posts
Location: Amsterdam

P.S. Mocht er nog wat van me over zijn vrijdag, kom ik graag. weavesmiley

"Pantomime is a slang expression for a situation where one is to go through the motions of doing something even though all concerned know it is a sham."

_pOp_BRONZE Member
Playing OldSchool Poi
593 posts
Location: amsterdam, Netherlands

 Written by :anonomatos

from 18h30 till ?? we meet in The Vondelpark @ the Picasso Statue (same place as last month!).
Who will join us?!

friday you say?
well, I just got this email too, so it might indeed be a good day....

 Written by :mandy

Yes Yes, Again the time has come..
For all Poi twirlers, Staff lovers and other Juggle fanatics.

A GlowballZ Training is planned on Friday the 23th of may,
Time : 19.00 till 20.30

Location: Picasso Beeld, Vondelpark
City: Amsterdam

meditate eRic.

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

39 posts

I will join at 19.15h.

AtarBRONZE Member
52 posts
Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Hi there ya'll!

Its been a long time since I stopped by this thread and met up with you people. Would love to do this again sometime soon!

Also, I'm working on my own version of the Fire Orb and want to buy some Kevlar-rope. I heard that a couple of shops sell it in Holland but cannot for the life of me find out where... Could anyone provide me with answers?

Met vrolijke groet,
Bram biggrin

High on Life!

_pOp_BRONZE Member
Playing OldSchool Poi
593 posts
Location: amsterdam, Netherlands

 Written by :Atar

Also, I'm working on my own version of the Fire Orb and want to buy some Kevlar-rope. I heard that a couple of shops sell it in Holland but cannot for the life of me find out where... Could anyone provide me with answers?

JUGGLE-STORE - Staalstraat 3 - Amsterdam.
Spotlight fire rope, ½¨ (12mm), per metre 20,00


meditate eRic.

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

AtarBRONZE Member
52 posts
Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Sweet! Thank you!

High on Life!

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

Seems like this week's gonna be crappy weather...
Who want to plan ahead?

Say... wednesday 18th of june?
Let's do a meeting in Utrecht again! Lepelenburg is a beautiful place.

I'm trying juggling clubs (but still 2 clubs not 3 rolleyes ). Who wants to teach me?


"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

no spinning for me, broke my knee and elbow 2 weeks ago, will be busy with other training for my arms :-(

have phun, see you in a 2/3 months....

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

holy ****
a show went bad berend? or sumthing else?


"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

I do fire-eating, work with huge flaming drums, was training on aerial acrobatics and jumping stilts...

so naturally I break my bones when bicycling in Amsterdam :-/...

***Berend, bicycling fast, breaks don't work to well, garbage truck, booom***

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

kort, had net 2 trainin'kjes gehad met bungee... was wel cool :-/

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

Cool voor eventjes ;-)

Aj aj aj...

Weatherforecast is changing everyday so I have no clue what to expect. Better wait a little bit till it gets better overall.

Dan maar even wachten :-)

Hope to be juggling with 3 clubs by the next meet... but they are hard to handle (like me rolleyes ) so no clue if i'll get it onder de knie

See you guys hopefully soon!

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

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