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tatttySILVER Member
158 posts
Location: crapy planet thanet, United Kingdom

Hello, was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about teaching poi to little ones. Im a primary school teacher and due to my lack of sporting abilities, was thinking about starting up a poi after school club. Any thoughts? ideas on how to make poi? safety issues etc? bit stuck!
Thank you very muchly xx ubbloco


Make your own happiness by making others happy [Ikeda]

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SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
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Location: Wales

I would suggest getting or making poi with very soft heads. Maybe that could be the starter class. The Children, with help, make their own poi with socks and soft sponge balls. They are cheap to make. I suppose it depends on what funding you have really. As they get better you can replace the sponge balls for tennis balls or bean bags which are a bit heavier. If you have the funding I'd go for the fluffy poi on HoP. Everyone says they are the softest poi about.

Make sure you have lots of helpers, because trying to keep control of lots and lots of small children all spinning at once would be quite hard. Also they will all learn at different rates so will need a bit more one to one attention.

Make sure they do a few stretching warm up movements first.
Maybe if you have the space you could introduce other things as you go along, tumbling, juggling, Staff, diablo.... there are plenty to choose from.

Most of all just make it fun and interesting. Invite local spinners to give them a demo. Have an end of year show that they can work up to. Let them dress up, face paint, .... it all adds to the fun.

Good Luck.

p.s. Where abouts are you? You might find willing volunteers on Hop to help you run it.

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Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
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I think it's a great idea! I could be completely wrong, because I don't know too much about these sorts of things, but I think the poi would be excellent for co-ordination and motor skills!

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

tatttySILVER Member
158 posts
Location: crapy planet thanet, United Kingdom

I teach in Canterbury (UK) and would be grateful for helpers but everyone that works with our kids must be police checked which costs.
Thank you stacks for ur help xx

Make your own happiness by making others happy [Ikeda]

*they used to read me stories, as though my dreams were boring*

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: Bristol, UK

Children love to learn poi - but make it soft as they will hit each other with them! Just give them the basic idea and let them loose!

[Old link] - obviously there's a lot of other crap pulled out by the search but have a browse.

meepSILVER Member
344 posts
Location: Midlands - nr cov, United Kingdom

I teach kids poi, it's great when they actually want to learn (as opposed to just wanting to just *be able to do it*)

Our local juggling club has a lot of under 10s, so when they see me w/ the poi, they want to be able to do it.

The couple who have stuck around to learn have picked it up well. I either give them the club's mouse poi, or my own sock poi. They do better with the sock poi cos they are lighter. It's great when they go away at the end of the week *Almost* being able to do a 3bt weave, and come back the next week move perfect biggrin

I wish i was closer - i'd help!

Good luck,


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Tatty my darling..

You know where we all are if you need a hand with it!


tatttySILVER Member
158 posts
Location: crapy planet thanet, United Kingdom

wow! thank u sweet pea!!! soooooo have to catch up soon!xxx

Make your own happiness by making others happy [Ikeda]

*they used to read me stories, as though my dreams were boring*

SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
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Location: Wales

I'm a bit to far away to join in but I hope it all works out for you Tattty. I think its a great idea!

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...{SAFE}..."if i jump in the fire, will you?"
633 posts
Location: USA, wishing I was in SA

Skulduggery has great idea's , thats actually what i used to do at the summer camp that i worked at in south africa . we taught kids and they had a blast with it.
all you need is poi that dont hurt (!), and some music , 'subconciously i think it gives the kids rythm' (sounds good) , and then you can just make up your own lesson plan from the HoP website , just follow the lessons in order !
well thats what i did!

i think , surprisingly it is alot easier than you think !

all the best biggrin

i like breaking the Law frown , of Gravity wink !

NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

i teach kids in the lakes, i make aload of sock poi for them, its cheap and easy, when i teach kids i mainly teach the crossing of the arms first then that leads into the 3 beat weave when they split it, also i show them the butterfly because its a nice and easy trick to do, they get such a kick out of it whatever they do

hope this helps tattty

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15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

What music do you think is best?

ubblol ubblol ubblol ubblol

and Im allowed to say it this time..

NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

pop-dance for kids

Remember.........YOU LOSE!!!

tatttySILVER Member
158 posts
Location: crapy planet thanet, United Kingdom

thank you soooooooo much, will let u know how it goes!!!xxx

Make your own happiness by making others happy [Ikeda]

*they used to read me stories, as though my dreams were boring*

...{SAFE}..."if i jump in the fire, will you?"
633 posts
Location: USA, wishing I was in SA

yeah , anything dancy

i like breaking the Law frown , of Gravity wink !

GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
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Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

i made both my kids sock poi using my old toe socks works great

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