The Real Fryed FishGod's illgitament son
1,489 posts
Location: state of confusion

Ok, so this is one of those "random rant" things that people do from time to time. This just happens to be a very nice place to here it goes

As I sit here, my mind starts to wander, and go into the darkest places that I try to hide. For all my efforts, this happens. Thoughts of "dark things: that no one talks about, and that no one wants to hear. So I sit and think, over and over and over, all these things that, for lack of a better term, bother me in a way I can not describe. Things that keep you up at night. Now Like most people that have theese toughts (I like think I'm not the only one) I can controll them most of the time, and to date they have never affected those around me. Now my problem is, what if they did? What if it becomes more than I can handell? I like to think that I am a strong person in regards to this, and that I could keep this under control all the time; but what if I can't? I have donethe cuting thing, the drug addiction thing, and the solitude thing, nothing gets these thoughts out of my head for more than a week. So I wonder how do you cope with this, these thoughts of madness if you will. The macab, dark, insecure feeling that creeps up, and say "Never forget that I am part of you".........

ok im done..........any responses are welcome, and please pardon all mis-spellings........I'm a product of the U.S. education system wink

You can't avoid pain by fencing yourself from it.
Some times you need the help of others more than anything else
But you have to let them close enough to help......
People want to be needed, I found that out too

Psycho_lemmingSILVER Member
Running hippy spinning lemming
15 posts
Location: Scotland

hug hug hug

Written by: Fryed Fish

So I wonder how do you cope with this

i dont think there is one answer to this question... people try to cope in different ways, different methods cannot be right or wrong because what each individual turns to is personal to them... we all have different needs,
however some coping mechanisms may be more effective than others....

i think to cope you need to try build up a range of coping resources, many different things you can turn to when you need to... things that give you time to think, things that give you outlets, things that can distract your thoughts,

they may not last for long but if they give you a minute of peace in your head then you can work towards the next taking each moment at a time.... meditate

try to be strong....
feel free to pm me if you ever wanna chat

hope that made some sense....?

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Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering...

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

Psycho Lemm has just displayed a picture which is very close to how I deal with anything that is getting me down. When I first glimsed the piccy and didnt read the writing I saw mountains smile

Everyone has different ways of dealing with things, if things are getting you down then there must be someone you can talk to about it smile

I believe that we make our own destinies, they can be altered by outside forces but any decision we make is our own, wether that be bad or good we ar ein control of our own destinies.

meditate Merk P

MedusaSILVER Member
1,433 posts
Location: 8 days at Cloudbreak, 6 in Perth, Australia

If you find an answer please I would love to know.

There was a time in my life that those dark thought did take over my life and there are still times in my life that I have no control over them and they take over.

I went through stages where it did affect those around me, my family and friends...I almost split my parents marriage due to what happened to me when I let those thought control my life.

I think the main thing is to accept that they are part of your life.

I found that before I accepted them that is what made them take me over and changed me into the person that withdrew from the world and took out my anger and frustration on anyone and everyone around me. I wouldn't accept the thought roaming around in my head and I didn't understand what they were doing in there.

When I started to accept that they were there and that there were going to be times in my life that I would need to get away from everything just to take time out for me and to make sure that no one around me got hurt I found that I had a lot more control over them. I still couldn't stop them invading my thoughts (especially in the dark of night when everything is quiet around me)...but I just accepted that they were part of me and didn't try to fight them.

I know that must sound really weird but I can't really explain in any better than that.

I have been in really dark places in my past and there were times in my life when I was younger that I thought that I would never get better and these thought would rule my brain for the rest of my life. I thought about ending it a couple of times just to get rid of the thoughts but I have come to realise that it wasn't the answer and that sometimes you do need to talk about things and you need to get them out.

Sometimes talking to someone, whether it be a very close friends (make sure it is someone really close to you if you choose this avenue I found out the hard way that some friends aren't the best people to tell) or whether it be a complete stranger (counsellor), this can help immensely.

But most of all don't try to fight against those thoughts, that is when things could get really bad. Or it did for me.

Though I guess everyone is different and everyone has different ways of coping. So I am not sure if my method would really work with anyone else.

_Aime_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,172 posts
Location: Hastings, United Kingdom

Im not very good at giving adice cos i get my words muddles but here goes
When i get like that i ring up my friends, and go see them. Then we go run about in the town or something have a good time. random days out are fun. it reminds me that i can be in this stupid town full of old people and still have the time of my life. The thoughts go away then.
Go mad ubbloco ...its fun

The Real Fryed FishGod's illgitament son
1,489 posts
Location: state of confusion

ya know i realy apreciate the thoughts/conceners.........its things like this that make the times a little thank you all.....

You can't avoid pain by fencing yourself from it.
Some times you need the help of others more than anything else
But you have to let them close enough to help......
People want to be needed, I found that out too

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