Rules and responsibities:
These are the ties that bind us.
We do what we do,because of who we are.
If we did otherwise,we would not be ourselves.
I will do what i have to do
And i will do what i must..
Written by:
In Oz you can start in Sydney and work for a while or travel
up as far as Cairns and get back down to Brisbane for the
flight (14 hours from Cairns by bus). or alternatively go
the other way to Melbourne. The coast is more party time
and beach, surfing etc. but to be honest all of Oz will be a
big party.
Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can beat the world into submission.
Rules and responsibities:
These are the ties that bind us.
We do what we do,because of who we are.
If we did otherwise,we would not be ourselves.
I will do what i have to do
And i will do what i must..
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