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loki.c1687SILVER Member
546 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Post deleted by loki.c1687

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DominoSILVER Member
UnNatural Scientist - Currently working on a Breville-legged monkey
757 posts
Location: Bath Uni or Shrewsbury, UK

I'm on a gap year at the moment and planning my travels, hoping to leave in January. The least I can do is pass on what I've learned.

For Austrila you apparently need around £250-350 a month and it's worth trying to get a working holiday visa.
are really help full. They have advice, lists of accomadtion, things to see, cheap flights and get organise a working holiday visa for about £90

I don't know how much you know about working holiday visas but they basicly allow you to do casual work while in Oz. Thing is you have to prove that you're not going there primarily to work so you need to show evidence of having about £2000 for some living costs/plane ticket home.

Some advice a friend gave me was:

Written by:

In Oz you can start in Sydney and work for a while or travel
up as far as Cairns and get back down to Brisbane for the
flight (14 hours from Cairns by bus). or alternatively go
the other way to Melbourne. The coast is more party time
and beach, surfing etc. but to be honest all of Oz will be a
big party.

This would be easier in PM but you've got them turned off (hint hint)

Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can beat the world into submission.

loki.c1687SILVER Member
546 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

um ill turn them off then...thanks im still thinking about just staying in england and goin seeing other spinning clubs and leaving oz till the year after next....

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These are the ties that bind us.
We do what we do,because of who we are.
If we did otherwise,we would not be ourselves.
I will do what i have to do
And i will do what i must..

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