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tennisBRONZE Member
confused and abused
363 posts
Location: bristol, United Kingdom

What's going on? I'm going to regret saying this but i really don't think nutella is that good. All i can feel when i bite i into it is another layer of my teeth being rotted off. And which idiot decided nuts go with chocolate? They don't it's just one huge thing that overpaid people made us think so we'd buy it.
And as for marmite (which i think is marginally better than nutella) It's stings your tounge and i can not tatste anything else i eat for the rest of the day. this may be because i have a delicate pallette (sp?)There are many other better toppings out there go find 'em.
But there you go my thoughts.

My cat's breath smells like catfood

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Originally posted by MisStix:
Both Vegimite and Marmite are actually quite good for you as they are both yeast spreads and are quite high in B vitamins which are essential correct funtioning of your nervous system - HOWEVER they are both REALLY high in Sodium (salt) which will harden your arteries nicely.. Nutella is ok (I'm more of a savoury kinda gal..) high in sugar and fats and yummyness -
Well, Marmite and Vegemite do have B-12, but there are plenty of other places to get that. for sheer artery-hardening power, Nutella takes the cake on that one. I mean, fat, more fat, and a bit more fat, with some chocolate and sugar for flavor! Yum!


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura


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