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majikenthusiast 231 posts Location: Byron Bay Australia
Posted: I love my hoops as much as I love poi and staff and I noticed there was a few other hooping hoppers out there. So I thought HOP needed a hooping thread for us to chat about tricks and share our love for hoops. I have been hooping for quite awhile now and have mastered quite a few tricks but I still havn't figured how to flick it up off the ground and move it up my legs. I can get it from my knees up but I saw this chic at the a circus and she had the hoops all on the ground and was bringing them up her legs one by one. It looked awesome. I've got an idea of what I gotta do but havn't quite got it. I was wondering if anyone could give me any tips on this? Thanks majik Happy Hooping!
Live, love, laugh and dance!
ElectricBlueGOLD Member Now with extra strawberries 810 posts Location: Canberra, Australia
Posted: Hey All, Posting Hoops in Australia? This is a puzzle i have been trying to solve for awhile now, I posted in the Technical section but did not get much response but i just realise that maybe it makes more sense to ask here.
So any way,
I would like to send a hoop up to my cousin who lives in QLD but I am having trouble finding the right way to do so.
At all of the places I have tried the hoop is either too big or they want to charge around $40+ per hoop which makes me think i might be looking in the wrong places because that just doesn't sound right, the hoop is not very heavy and the package would not take up much space at all, also a lot of the stores i see selling them list the postage for around $10.
I’m sure I remember having a unicycle which would be much heavier shipped to me from some where in Australia for well under $40.
The hoop is 85cm in diameter and the pipe used is only 3/4 of an inch thick the hoop is also quite light.
So I guess what I'm asking is has any one got any tips on posting props within Australia, with out breaking the bank?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Blue
I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />
tanzende_federGOLD Member stranger 19 posts Location: Germany
Posted: hey everybody, I just starting hooping like two weeks's so much fun!! right now I'm trying to figure out how to hoop around my upper body, like shoulders or with hands up ...but I just don't seem to figure it there a special trick to make it go round?? thx!
FlameSILVER Member addict 435 posts Location: VIC, MELB, Australia
Posted: Hello hoopers has been awhile but thought i might pick p my hoops this week and give em a go - I made my shiny hoops awhile ago - I must say it was hard to get the nice even stripe on my hoops any ideas anyone?
*In the car while Pink is playing on the radio* Tristan aged 4 : "Mum is this Pink?" Flame:"Yes mate this is Pink?" Tristan:"Are you going to Pink?" Flame:"Yes i am" Tristan:"Cool well I'm going to BLUE"
Posted: It's been too long since I've been on here! Hello fellow hoopers! Right now I'm working on trying to get waste-hooping going both ways. After that I'm either going to work on chest hooping or try to learn to do a barrel roll ^.^
FlameSILVER Member addict 435 posts Location: VIC, MELB, Australia
Posted: Very pretty, She musta got really dizzy i reckon i would of fallen over by then. I particularly liked how she had the two hopes locked into each other
*In the car while Pink is playing on the radio* Tristan aged 4 : "Mum is this Pink?" Flame:"Yes mate this is Pink?" Tristan:"Are you going to Pink?" Flame:"Yes i am" Tristan:"Cool well I'm going to BLUE"
Posted: just in case nobody has noticed Spiral yet
Spiral Hoop Dance
Bad quality video - this is her CoL entry 2007
just the other one (on Burning man) ... wasn't sure as of PG rating but I guearantee: it's breath-taking!!!
the best smiles are the ones you lead to
hamamelisBRONZE Member nut. 756 posts Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)
Anyone here know of any companies that sell decent LED hoops? Uk or European- I'm finding it tricky to find anything, and the postage from the US is a bit obscene..
If that's okay with you?
misskaiSILVER Member stranger 4 posts Location: austin, tx, USA
Posted: Kicking it up:
Place the hoop on the top of your right foot (if you are spinning to the left) take a normal step with your left foot then a fast normal-sized step with your right. The hoop will go around you like a skip-it. Then stick your left foot in (it helps if you already know how to take out and put in each foot). Then, use the momentum of the hoop and your right foot to get it up to your knees. TA DA!
Also check out this tutorial of the move on youtube:
No pain, no gain.
misskaiSILVER Member stranger 4 posts Location: austin, tx, USA
Posted: Hello I'm really new to hooping (a week to be exact) and I only have a weighted water hoop. I drilled some holes into it and drained the water, but now it feels too light. How heavy should a hoop be?
hamamelisBRONZE Member nut. 756 posts Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)
There's not really a standard weight- most hoops sold seem to be around 400g-700g (14-25ozish, if you're in the US), but there's a lot of variation. Really, the best way is just to try a few different ones and see what you're comfortable , and expect the weight you prefer to go down as you get more used to it. For some reason, US hoops (you mentioned having a water hoop, which makes me suspect that's where you are, as outside the US and possibly Canada they're not very common) seem to be a lot heavier than European/Aus/NZ standard.
Heavier hoops are easier to keep going around your waist, and some find them easier to dance with, as they move slower, but they're much harder to do more circus style tricks with. Simply though, if you think it's too light, it is too light for you at the moment- but possibly it won't be later. Hope this helps!
If that's okay with you?
adeathlyauraGOLD Member The Poi Spinning Undead 173 posts Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA
Posted: Right now I'm working on knee hooping. I have it down or at least I think I do, but I keep getting bruises! Is this normal? I'm thinking I may not have the movement right, despite the fact that I can keep it going as long as I'd like. Also, I have no idea how to bring it back up to waist from the knees without stopping. Any tips would be appreciated.
Question everything.
Stnd54SILVER Member newbie 42 posts Location: Manchester/Essen, Germany
Posted: Hi hoopers, I want to make a hoop and get started but i'm currently living in Germany. I've had a look in my local Bauhaus but they didn't have much in the way of tubing and it all had different names to the stuff i've read about. Anyone in Germany or know the type of stuff I need to look for?
adeathlyauraGOLD Member The Poi Spinning Undead 173 posts Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA
Posted: I don't live in Germany but check your local hardware store. Look for irrigation tubing and get some connectors too, which should be sold near the tubing. Thickness of the tubing varies depending on personal preference, but a lot of people get 100 psi. Cut the tubing to whatever size you'd like it. I curl up the tubing like a hoop before cutting it and measure it about an inch or two above my belly button, then cut. Boil some water and set the ends of the tubing into the water for a minute or two. Then stick the connector into the tube on one end and then seal it closed with the other. Decorate with electric and duct tape if you like. I hope that helps.
Question everything.
adeathlyauraGOLD Member The Poi Spinning Undead 173 posts Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA
Posted: I've learned a bunch of new movements with my hoop. I can now knee hoop (without getting bruises!) and bring it back up to my waist with no problems. I've also learned a lot of off body tricks including the 3 beat weave with two hula hoops.
Next I want to learn kick ups and multi-hooping.
Question everything.
ElectricBlueGOLD Member Now with extra strawberries 810 posts Location: Canberra, Australia
Posted: Incase you are interested I'll repost some info i wrote a while ago about preparing to learn to multi-hoop/split hoops. It is really good to start thinking about technique now while you are learning so that you don't learn any bad habits that will make it hard to progress latter.
So there are a few different schools of though when it comes to splitting and multi hoops. I think everyone should work out what works best for them. But for me my training really stepped up when I learned about the techniques used in trational circus training when I was lucky enough to spend a few weeks training at Fruit Flys Circus with Yos Worth who is an amazing hoops trainer.
Preparing to learn Splitting
This may sound really horrible but i'm not trying to sounds that way. But i think a lot of people who learn hooping the hoop dance way may have a lot of problems with splitting. The main reason for this is that to smoothly split and maintain multi hoops easily you need to push your hoop in a complete circle rather than back front or side side and a lot of hoop dance work shops teach that method. You also need to focus on your body being one rod pushing a circle from the feet like a column rather than waist and knees doing to different rhythms.
With practice you can learn this it will also help with other tricks, here are a few things to focus on in your hooping to help you learn if you want to try.
When hooping on your knees make sure both knees are doing work not just one also try and make the hoop move buy pushing a circle rather than bobbing up and down. When waist hooping make sure that you are holding your body tight, slightly dished and that you are pushing a circle not back front or side side. In both knee and waist make sure that your feet are close together but not quite touching and that your feet are grounded and have an even amount of weight across both of them and across the heals and toes.
It is important to practice this while hooping in all the locations that you can on your body.
I think if you drill those things each with one hoop for a while and try and keep them in mind when you move on to splitting you will have a lot more luck.
Lastly when you are splitting it can help to slowly turn in the direction of the hoops, this action kind of forces your body to do a full circle with you push so you will find it a bit easier.
I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />
adeathlyauraGOLD Member The Poi Spinning Undead 173 posts Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA
Posted: Thank you for taking the time to write this! That all sounds very helpful. I admit, I've been trying multi-hooping for awhile with no luck whatsoever. Also, I have been doing the typical front/back and side/side movements for hooping. With knee hooping, I make one knee do all of the work too. Do you think your dance looks better if you do not use these movements? I'm thinking I might try to change my style of hooping if that's the case.
I'll be trying these drills during my practice from now on.
Question everything.
ElectricBlueGOLD Member Now with extra strawberries 810 posts Location: Canberra, Australia
Posted: I'm not sure if it necessarily looks better but it will make things smoother. hoops will not tilt as much and tricks like lifting it up your body become easier because you are pushing the hoop all the time, But it does take quite a bit of practice.
Good Luck, Let me know if you need any more tips
I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />