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CharlesBRONZE Member Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer 3,989 posts Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posted: Wanting to play with sharp blades, and attaching them to long poles so they move superfast and will cut through limbs even if they are dull, are two very seperate concepts.
Has anyone ever wondered why almost all swords (fireknives included) and similar handheld weapons are relatively short. If you putn a blade on a long pole, like a pike, you use it to stab people from a distance, spinning it is likely to end up cutting you...
Of course there are the odd exception, but how about thinking about it for a while...?
HoP Posting Guidelines * Is it the Truth? * Is it Fair to all concerned? * Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? * Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
AmanitaSILVER Member member 157 posts Location: Halifax, NS, Canada
Posted: There's lots of exceptions- the chinese arsenal is full of slashing pole weapons, like the quan-dao and pudao. The Japanese fighting arts are noted for the naginata, a fearsome weapon that over time, came to be associated with women (Yay!) And there's also the negamaki- essentially a katana-length blade mounted on a three or four foot handle.
So they do exist. And yes, they take much practice to get good with. And alot of these weapons are double ended- the Quan-dao is often fitted with a short spearhead or spike on the butt end of its shaft, and the naginata has something similar, but not as large. And no, I am not condoning a complete beginner picking up these weapons and swinging away.
If the OP is still reading, May I suggest the following- if you want to play with a bladed staff that badly, start out with dull blades! You can buy short blunted spearheads from many martial arts suppliers. Or better yet, start off padding the ends of the staff first..only move up to steel when you're good enough to do many repititions of each move without hitting yourself once. And even then, take it slow and easy until you have a feel for the weapon. I know it seems like some of us were attacking you for suggesting a bladed staff in the first place, but we just don't want you to hurt yourself needlessly.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"
Hardynewbie 13 posts Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: I reckon you can twirl whatever you want, just dont try to do any throws coz youll always muck a couple of them up and make sure there isnt going to be anyone coming ANYWHERE near you. The whole illegal weapon thing could get you into a bit of trouble though.
Even my multiple personalities hate me! BLEEEAAAGGHHH!
Hardynewbie 13 posts Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: All at your own risk as well!
Even my multiple personalities hate me! BLEEEAAAGGHHH!