Forums > Social Chat > How old would you like to get?

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Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

I work with elderly and disabled people. One of my clients is 103. She said to me, "You don't want to be 103 you know." When I asked why she said, "Because everyone I ever knew is dead. When all my friends died I made new friends and now they're all dead too."

It got me thinking about how old I'd like to get and I decided that about 80 would be my limit, unless of course some clever scientist (Mike ) found out how to reverse the ageing process.

What about you how old do you really want to get?

Are we nearly there yet?

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

I don't think there is any possible way for any of you to convince me that being 30 is more fun than being 21.

Jesus helps me trick people.

48 posts
Location: California

Spoken like a true 21 year old.

Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do


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