BethMiss Whippy
1,262 posts
Location: Cornwall & Oxford

Hello, ive done a search and it came up with nothing.

Ive been told that theres this move that is absolutely awesome and looks absolutely amazing and is terribly difficult to do. The person who told me hasnt shared any details yet but i was wondering if anyone has heard of the Medusa? I know it could be a name for any other move but does anyone have any ideas?

Its starting to really annoy me now as my friend is not forthcoming with details and keeps teasing me frown any help would be very much appreciated.

Love n hugs x

Aim high and you'll know your limits, aim low and you'll never know how high you could have climbed.

517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England

Is that the move where you use 'snake poi' like dreads?

wink (bad one)

Jo. smile

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MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Ive never heard of it. Sounds like a name someone just gave to something they came up with or another move they just renamed to what they thought was appropriate (although confusing). Without more info its gonna be mighty hard to figure out what yer talkin bout.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


KaelGotRiceGOLD Member
Basu gasu bakuhatsu - because sometimes buses explode
1,584 posts
Location: Angels Landing, USA

Medusa? now can your friend pull of medusa hyperloops?

Then I'd be impressed wink

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MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA


Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Never heard of it either. Perhaps it's where you hold your hands on your head and then spin round in a circle?

Or perhaps not ubblol

"Moo," said the happy cow.

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

good suggestions from jo and mr x there.

could also be an split-time butterfly with your hands on the top of your head...?

rather than keep asking your friend what it is, learn these moves instead.

then you can go back to him and tell him that you can do a 'medusa' - two variations in fact.

if you wanna tease him back, ask him where he got the name from.
then tell him that whatever he's doing, its probably not a medusa cos you found out from a 'reputable source' (yeah right! ubblol) what one really is.
then refuse to describe it at all until he describes his version.
then refuse to tell him your versions anyway wink

cole. x

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

BethMiss Whippy
1,262 posts
Location: Cornwall & Oxford

i was thinking it might be something like a 4bt windmill or corkscrew, seems almost logical.

I will update this if and when the person gives me details, it might be a wicked new move that nobody has thought of... or it could be a mexican wave, who knows! biggrin

Aim high and you'll know your limits, aim low and you'll never know how high you could have climbed.

alvheidfairy of light
163 posts
Location: Bergen, Norway

Written by: coleman

good suggestions from jo and mr x there.

could also be an split-time butterfly with your hands on the top of your head...?

rather than keep asking your friend what it is, learn these moves instead.

then you can go back to him and tell him that you can do a 'medusa' - two variations in fact.

if you wanna tease him back, ask him where he got the name from.
then tell him that whatever he's doing, its probably not a medusa cos you found out from a 'reputable source' (yeah right! ubblol) what one really is.
then refuse to describe it at all until he describes his version.
then refuse to tell him your versions anyway wink

now I know who I shall ask whenever I have a problem wink ubbrollsmile

Luke sum ipse patrem te.

NucleopoiBRONZE Member
chemical attraction
1,097 posts
Location: Ilkeston, Derbyshire, England

never heard of it. im intruiged now though

MedusaSILVER Member
1,433 posts
Location: 8 days at Cloudbreak, 6 in Perth, Australia

I wanna learn that move....I never knew I had a move named after me...hehehe

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