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Posted: I've just spent the weekend in London with some fellow Hoppers and it turned out to be a totally awesome time spinning in perculiar but kind of fascinating locations, clubbing, chillin the fcuk out and constantly meeting the coolest of people!!!!
Much love and respec' to SmallBoy, Dizzy, Alienfox, Knoxious Dave, Dark Fairy Queen, Jez, Pink poi, Pink flags, Drome pixie and the rest and a very special thanx to my little angels Hels Bells (hope you get better soon hon!!) and BamBam who had to put up with my depressingly quiet tired spells!!!! LOL
Thanx sooooooooooooo much all of you, be back down again on the 4th/5th October!!!
K xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[ 17 September 2002, 00:53: Message edited by: Kurobei ]
whats up with all the limitations?
UCOFSILVER Member 15,417 posts Location: South Wales
Posted: was this at pip? or at the party? cos my mum is a nazi and says im gfounded....bitch
(and ive never been gfounded before...feels quite strange)
[ 16 September 2002, 20:55: Message edited by: THE UNITED CHAINS OF FIRE ]
Posted: No worries son, and I wouldnt worry too much about those corruption charges, Ive been thinking about it and more for ages but just never actually had the opportunity or time to do any!!!!!
Posted: Kurobie we had sooo much fun having you come and stay with us for the weekend. Kurobie I didn't think you were depressingly quiet, I just thought it was part of your mysterious character Lets make sure you do it again soon, cos we seem to have weekends like that EVERY weekend at the moment, and it was sure fun having you around to share it with.
It was fun and frolics from start to finish...well for some of us it was!
Hels Bells came into a spot of bother at the end of Saturday night.......My poor little Princess has fractured a bone in her back.
warning to all clubbers Care must be taken when walking down wet stairs at 6am in the morning after a heavy night clubbing
Small Boy, your party rocked! you had wicked bunch of peeps around.
Drome: It was really great to see you again. It feels like an age since we were in the same place together. Jez: YOU SNORE Alienfox, Dizzy: Stealth.....need I say any more?? Now you've turned to the DARK SIDE do I need to watch my back??? DFQ: Ohh bubba hubba yummy yummy, you little minx you
And everyone else, BIG LOVE, and thanks for the graveside fire show, you all looked great.
I hope I'll see most of you tomorrow night.
A kiss blown is a kiss wasted, the only kind of kiss is a kiss tasted.
I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating and not just a LITTLE bit scary.
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