Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > anyone going to the GLADE FESTY this year?

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14 posts
Location: plymouth

last years glade festy was a total blinder (what i can remember of it anyway - too much ubbloco) and this years looks set to be even better so i just thought i'd add a link in here so if any of you peeps are interested you can check it out for yourself:
get your tickets as soon as they go on sale coz they're gonna go damn quick - hope to see lots of you ubbloco peeps there cool

sum ov the fings that shood 'ave been dun 'aven't, and sum ov the fings that shoodnt 'ave been dun 'ave

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Hopefully - we performed there last year and it was quite possibly the best festival of the year.

Personally though, I don't think they should've increased the size so much (if at all) as it's tinyness was what made it so intimate and friendly smile

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

*shudders* I dont like cramped festivals. I feel really cramped. concerts can be hell for me, but ill put up with it as long as the shows good.

Glade sound cool, but i probs cant go.. shame really.

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

14 posts
Location: plymouth

i totally agree - if it aint broke, don't fix it - but them pesky pixies always start meddling when they can make some money don't they? frown

sum ov the fings that shood 'ave been dun 'aven't, and sum ov the fings that shoodnt 'ave been dun 'ave

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)

Oh me me me me bounce bounce2 bounce biggrin Last years was just magical !

Mike wave

VixenSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,276 posts
Location: Oxfordshire/Wiltshire, United Kingdom

A couple of my mates went and they didnt rate it at all... will come anyway this year tho - aslong as i dont have to go on my own! xxx

tHeReS gOoD aNd EvIl iN EaCh InDiViDuAl fIrE, iDeNtIfIeS nEeDs AnD fEeDs OuR dEsIrEs.

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

wouldn't miss it for the world.. agree with Durbs too.. I hope it's not 'too' big!

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

I had such an amazing time last year that I'll definitely be going again this year! biggrin

As for the size apparently it's going up to 9,000 from 5,500 last year which isn't too big a jump - if they hold it in the same location then there's another field that they can open so it won't be too crowded.

"Moo," said the happy cow.

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

*if* they hold it in the same place wink

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

pricklyleafSILVER Member
with added berries
1,365 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

I thought it wasn't going ahead this year?

Live like there is no tomorrow,
dance like nobody is watching
and hula hoop like wiggling will save the world.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

pricklyleafSILVER Member
with added berries
1,365 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

oh sorry-it's now separate from glastonbury! ignore the last one!

Live like there is no tomorrow,
dance like nobody is watching
and hula hoop like wiggling will save the world.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)

spiralx - i agree .. 9000 would even be just about bearable on the same area, but a slight enlargement would be nice. I think if they hadnt increased the numbers it would have been even more impossible to get tickets .. since everyone i've spoken to that went last year is gagging to go again .. plus all their mates wink biggrin

pricklyleaf, are you saying that ther'll be no Glade at Glasto this year ??

Stix - would be wicked to see you again wave


14 posts
Location: plymouth

wot - you mean theres gonna be no glade corner at Glasto this year?

sum ov the fings that shood 'ave been dun 'aven't, and sum ov the fings that shoodnt 'ave been dun 'ave

TheSilverShadowBRONZE Member
Uncle Chop Chop
213 posts
Location: Time is the Fire in which we burn, United Kingdom

I'll be there again deffo it was lovely last year, i agree with what people are saying though it dosn't need 2 be any bigger at all last year was just right.

"Do you know what the Phantom is??"

SeraphireHoP's Original Smelly-Hippie-Scum-Bag
270 posts
Location: Under your stairs

I hope to be there this year. Highly recomended by many people, so I'll give it a whirl.. Hope to meet lots of people.

Music gives Soul to the Universe, Wings to the Mind, Flight to the Imagination and Life to Everything.

Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE! hug Stop The Arms Trade!

duballstarSILVER Member
slack rating - 9.5
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Location: Suburbiton, Yoo-Kay, United Kingdom

100% definatley.. can't beleive i missed it last year! bounce

and not wanting to get anyone to excited but they've just posted the line up. highlights include:

SHPONGLE live, Hallucinogen live, Richie Hawtin, Carl Craig, Dreadzone live, Squarepusher, Rennie Pilgrem live, Youth, System Seven, Breakfastaz, Meat Katie, Protoculture, Layo & Bushwacka....

it looks likey that shpongle will also be playing glastonbury as this was recently posted on Twisted's website:

'SHPONGLE 3 'NOTHING LASTS' is set to be released worldwide on 11.05.05. buy it from twisted 2-3 weeks before this date. there is talk of shpongle performing live at this years glastonbury and glade festivals. more details soon.'

i'm soo excited i think i'm gonna explode! biggrin

It is our fantasies that make us real. Without our fantasies we're just a blank monkey' - Terry Pratchett

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)

biggrin Just saw the line-up too: eek

New spongle album ubblove .. can't wait!

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

im coming

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

garthySILVER Member
old hand
717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

Me too biggrin

"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

duballstarSILVER Member
slack rating - 9.5
2,216 posts
Location: Suburbiton, Yoo-Kay, United Kingdom

wicked! bounce i'm still so excited about this i keep bouncing round my room to trance instead of working. biggrin

just so everyone knows, tickets go on sale april 27th at £82.50 each... and despite the increased capacity it looks like they're gonna sell out mighty quick after the succes of last year and the increased frenzy for glasto tickets this year.. so make sure you get in there early!!! bearing this in mind i don't think anyone can complain about the new size as i reckon they could easily have gone for 15-20 000. 9 while bigger than 5 is still tiny for a weekend festival and resembles something only the size of the deconstruction one dayers...

It is our fantasies that make us real. Without our fantasies we're just a blank monkey' - Terry Pratchett

garthySILVER Member
old hand
717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

If you register for news on the site I think you get an early look in to get a ticket!

"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

VixenSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,276 posts
Location: Oxfordshire/Wiltshire, United Kingdom

oooo its lots of moneys and only one of the many fests i wanna make it to this year.... what do i do!!!

i dont suppose anyone wants a little Vixen tagging along do they??? none of my friends want to go

tHeReS gOoD aNd EvIl iN EaCh InDiViDuAl fIrE, iDeNtIfIeS nEeDs AnD fEeDs OuR dEsIrEs.

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

I shall definitely go again this year.

Last years one was amazing, with a really good atmosphere.

Let's bump this thread again after we get our trickets (touch wood) and arrange a Hoppers meet nearer the time smile

duballstarSILVER Member
slack rating - 9.5
2,216 posts
Location: Suburbiton, Yoo-Kay, United Kingdom

good point dude... i forgot when get on the mailing list and you get first pick... rolleyes

an vix your more than wlecome to tag along... hopefully it shouldn't be to hard for us all to camp in the same area etc... smile

bounce2 *still very excited* bounce

It is our fantasies that make us real. Without our fantasies we're just a blank monkey' - Terry Pratchett

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

thanks for the reminder about the glade mailing list - I'm subscribed to it now smile

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Already beginning to get a touch excited! biggrin

"Moo," said the happy cow.

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom


Glade gossip...

There's an early chance to grab tickets this coming Monday (11th). But only if you're subscribed here:

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

I'm not going this year as there is no way it'll be as good as last year ; )

The line-up, the line-up!!! OMG - Sorgasmic..Luke Vibert, Squarepusher, AFX and Two Lone Swordsman, Hallucinogen, Sancho Panza, Gaudi and Son Kite have confirmed..

Anyone who didn't get Glasto tickets you won't be disappointed, if you like your electro this festie is going to kick its ass!

Sadly can't go as I'm off to frolic in the Spanish desert for a week just after Glade and won't be able to get the time off work or the money to do both! Enjoy people, loyalty tickets go on sale next week (whether that means those subsribed, people who went last year, I don't know)

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

Dressed in BlackBRONZE Member
A Fire Inside
191 posts
Location: portsmouth and sometimes oxford, United Kingdom

hmm i might go with the Vixenator, since she is begging for mates heehee jokes luv. seriously tho, me n vix are thinking about coming, we just need the final persuasion!

::: I LiKe pLeAsUrE sPiKeD wItH pAiN - MuSiC iS mY aErOpLaNe :::

VixenSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,276 posts
Location: Oxfordshire/Wiltshire, United Kingdom

u mean me persuading you isnt enough!!! dont be such a loser, its not even like its far away! xxx

tHeReS gOoD aNd EvIl iN EaCh InDiViDuAl fIrE, iDeNtIfIeS nEeDs AnD fEeDs OuR dEsIrEs.

SeraphireHoP's Original Smelly-Hippie-Scum-Bag
270 posts
Location: Under your stairs

Dressed in Black. If your in Portsmouth, come up with us, We'll be heading up with the Hedonic group. Should be enough room in the car.

Music gives Soul to the Universe, Wings to the Mind, Flight to the Imagination and Life to Everything.

Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE! hug Stop The Arms Trade!

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