gemitBRONZE Member
71 posts
Location: Plymouth, UK

Tee hee, I just removed my front room light so that I could practice spinning whilst watchin the telly...good tunes on MTV Dance sometimes!!....think i is loosing it! ubbloco

Sleep when yer dead!

Ted, Ted, I forgaat to have me breakfast, d' ya tink I moight doie?!!

Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom.....

FlapjacksSILVER Member
part of the lonely trio
137 posts
Location: Hastings, England

Someone kindly removed the light in my bedroom for me... but that was whilst doing poi and not in the aid of. ooooops

Happy dancing/spinning!! weavesmiley

smells like burning teenagers..

.:star:.SILVER Member
1,785 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

My boyfriend has banned me from spinning in the house unless i take out the lightbulbs! ....something to do with the bulb (that was on at the time) exploding all over him!

EDITED_BY: starpoi (1112814029)

BirdGOLD Member
now available in "advanced"
6,086 posts
Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Oooh! I bet he was chuffed! ubblol

My state of mind is not yours to define!

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

_Aime_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,172 posts
Location: Hastings, United Kingdom

Written by: Flapjacks

Someone kindly removed the light in my bedroom for me... but that was whilst doing poi and not in the aid of. ooooops

ubblol and she was the only one who was relitivly sober...

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

I havn't had lightbulbs in the main lights in my room for about 6 months now I reckon. I smashed them and decided not to replace them.
Instead I use the table lamp on my desk for all my lighting needs smile

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member
6,554 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

lol yeah i did that for the last few weeks after my light suddenly 'stopped working'..ehhhe.. so now i'm just being more careful..

eh, it's too cold outside right now tongue

JauntyJamesSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,533 posts
Location: Hampshire College, MA, USA

seems to me this thread was alread done .:does a quick durbs:.


"How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask? Or angry? Or ready for dessert?"

NateBRONZE Member
Groovy ga watashi no namae desu!
1,530 posts
Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

bah, i have too smaller socks to hit anything in my house, probably cuz the only thing i do in my house are hyperloops, seeing if i can get around the whole house in one hyperoop without messing up, i neaaarly did it yesterday

however i smash ALOT of things with my contact balls

I like Languages.

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

CloudscapeSILVER Member
62 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

I put a hole the size of a tennis ball in a paper lampshade and my girlfriend didn't notice for 2 months.

I tried blaming it on the cat but that didn't wash because the lampshade was too high up and also we don't actually have a cat.

Remember what the doormouse said

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