Forums > Beginner Staff Moves > anyone do double chain sticks

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greddyfirebratBRONZE Member
87 posts
Location: frankston, Australia

i,m looking to move on to doubles with chain sticks problem is i,m a bit scared any help would be great biggrin hug

fire is a living thing it can breath and it eats so respect the fire

ed209Ed: geek, staffer, past participle
122 posts
Location: London, UK

Are you talking about nunchuckas? Martial arts weapon - two sticks connected by a chain?

And if so, there's a vid in the Soton website called Flaming Nunchucks or some such that you may want to check out.

greddyfirebratBRONZE Member
87 posts
Location: frankston, Australia

double sticks with chains on the ends

fire is a living thing it can breath and it eats so respect the fire

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

double fire flails wink

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

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