1 post

i'm not finding any instruction on how to do the mexican weave on the hop poi lessons... anyone? and are there videos i can see of it?

JauntyJamesSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,533 posts
Location: Hampshire College, MA, USA

Try the "helpful advice threads" thread at the top of this forum. wink

hug welcome to HoP!


"How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask? Or angry? Or ready for dessert?"

FireKittenSILVER Member
17 posts
Location: YORK, United Kingdom

I learnt it by doing a BTB butterfly (to get used to both hands behind me) then a normal butterfly bring one hang above my shoulder, back to a butterfly, then the other hand untill I had my poi moving one in front one behind at all times.


xX Twist and twirl to trance and techno Xx

PoiElfBRONZE Member
19 posts
Location: Leicesthershire, England

It has the same sort off motions as a windmill or corkscrew, but the poi are spinning opposite ways, as if from butterfly. If you can alternatly take your hands over your head while doing butterfly, you should be able to do it by bringing the poi into the horizontal plane and keeping the switching, over the head motion continuous.

Hope that helps
Helz smile

"Mmm... I'm sure I had a tail this moring, now I've got legs!"

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Its a wave and not a weave. I dont know if you misunderstood or if it was just a typo. smile

Gav486SILVER Member
You have 23 seconds to comply!
122 posts
Location: United Kingdom

It's not a weave or a wave (or a particle (aaarrggh! physics joke! gag, splutter, etc...))

Them's butterfly shoulder reels! wink

Anyway; definitely not a weave.

You cannot trust this boy! His mind has been corrupted by colours, sounds and shapes.

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