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SilentMuseBRONZE Member Member 4 posts Location: Florida, USA
Posted: Ok. I'm right handed, and am finding that my left hand is worthless for spinning. I can do the same move with both hands, and while the right is straight and spiffy, the left is all over the place.
Are there any exercises to train your non-dominant hand to work?
PyroMonkeyGOLD Member b...bal...lence?.... 370 posts Location: Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia
Posted: Practise
Im right there with ya, doin double staffs atm, left is a bit shakey
TinklePantsGOLD Member Clique Infiltrator, Cunning Linguist and Master Debator 4,219 posts Location: Edinburgh burgh burrrrrr, United Kingdom
Posted: focus on the weaker hand - my left handed isolations still aren't keeping up with my right, especially doing iso reels at the front, but its getting better - and so shall you!
A good lil excercise I taught myself is to close your eyes whilst spinning (with sock poi - not fire arrrgh!) so you can train yourself to feel the pull of the poi. If you feel them moving off the plane try and correct it without opening your eyes.
practice practice practice!
Always use "so's your face" and "only on Tuesdays" in as many conversations possible
SkulduggeryGOLD Member Pirate Pixie Crew Captain 8,428 posts Location: Wales
Posted: Silentmuse everyone has a spacky hand (as Bird calls it). You just have to remember to work it harder than the good hand. It will always take longer to teach your spacky hand new moves although a you get better you will find the time difference between the spacky one and the good one gets smaller.
Keep on spinning.
Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!
SilentMuseBRONZE Member Member 4 posts Location: Florida, USA
Posted: Nice to know it's normal.
The closing eyes idea is interesting...maybe I'll give that a shot.
Thanks all!
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