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Trippie HippieBRONZE Member
old hand
733 posts
Location: Bewildered state of nothingness, United Kingdom

Hello lovely, lovely peps, i've not been around of late, hope i've not missed anything fundamental???

OK, where to begin, right had my first ever gigs this past weekend, WOW what a buzz, had a 21st on Friday and an 18th on Saturday, it woz immense!!!!
It's true, women really do dig fire performers, My "little black book" now looks like the yellow pages!!!!!!

I woz quite scared, after all the talk here, about insurance, got me V.worried, but i took all the precautions that i could, fire extinguishers by the half dozen buckets and buckets of water and loads of sand, didn't need them, but better be safe than sorry, eh?

Yeah, it woz great, tried out my new Sparkly staff -WOHOO- it kicks ass!!! Also made a new discovery, its pain staking to prepare, but well worth it.
You may have already have found this but i'll say it anyway, I got a length of copper piping and ground it down (every last piece of it!!) into almost dust, it took ages, added it to my wire wool and when i woz doing my Sparkly Staff i got flicks of blue/ turquoise in it. Mental!!!!

Just thought that i would share, as it woz this site and the peps here, that have taught me what they know and given me the confidence to go out and do it in-front of people, Safely!!!!. So Thank-you all SO, SO much, It has been said here before, but this site really has changed my life. THANKS AGAIN!!!!!! YOUR ALL SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Taking Easy
Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone.

Trippie Hippie- Monty Dons secret love child

Fly like a mouse, run like a pillow, be the small book case.

"Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone".

Because dressing up is fun.

89 posts
Location: coventry, midlands, uk

congrats on getting the job trippy

Sexy Chickmember
27 posts
Location: Texas

Congrats...I haven't heard the stuff about the copper, but will most probally try it one day.

Walking slowly through the rain...Without worries theres no pain...If you see a shooting star...All your problems seem so far.

1,551 posts
Location: the arms of the Ganja Goddess

*cough* congrats

You. Its whats for dinner!

As time passes, you realise all the mistakes you amde and the ones you wish you never did make.

The wave crashing on the beach

FireMikeZLaguna dude
1,438 posts
Location: Laguna, California, US

scuse Bram, peeps, he's into his bongling around between spins. . .

yes, Trippy Hippy, women DO dig fire performers. around SoCal, the tradition is men perform topless, too. did you?

CONGRATULATIONS on getting GIGGED, Trippy Hippy!

with warmest love to your art n flame,

~ Mikie

molten cheers,

~ FireMike

FireMikeZ@yahoo.com (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!)
Laguna, California, US

Trippie HippieBRONZE Member
old hand
733 posts
Location: Bewildered state of nothingness, United Kingdom

I was gonna get topless but not only was it FREEZIN' and pissing it down, I didn't want every on to see my HUGE.......... beer belly!!!!!!
And i didn't have my sports bra on!!!!!! hehehe

Trippie Hippie- Monty Dons secret love child

Fly like a mouse, run like a pillow, be the small book case.

"Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone".

Because dressing up is fun.

Distorted Silencemember
217 posts
Location: Melbourne

Do guys dig chick fire twirlers?

It doesnt seem to work for me

You've got to move fast to beat the Devil - Your arm's too short to box with God.

FireMikeZLaguna dude
1,438 posts
Location: Laguna, California, US

Silence, what ARE you talkinbout?

guys totally CRAVE chick fire twirlers, especially ones who rock n distort their world.

hey, do me a private show, i'll show ya!

molten cheers,

~ FireMike

FireMikeZ@yahoo.com (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!)
Laguna, California, US

Distorted Silencemember
217 posts
Location: Melbourne

Would it be the same if I set my hair on fire?

You've got to move fast to beat the Devil - Your arm's too short to box with God.

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