Forums > Social Chat > How long have you been spinnin? (EVERYONE POST)

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MeneeococoaGOLD Member
torn and bleeding warrior of love
133 posts
Location: West Virginia, USA

Hey, I really want to know something.
First off, i want to know how old everyone is. Then, i wanna know when you started and how long you have been spinning. Tell me what experience level u think u are (make one up)and tell me what you use. I'd really appriciate it. Thanx peeps.

I just had an idea! Tell me everything about you! I wanna get to know everyone, so just tell me everything. Please?

I need to find something witty for this so people like me...

FireSpiritSILVER Member
Classic 90's Fire Dancer... Poi, Staff, Doubles, and Breathing
743 posts
Location: South Lake Tahoe, USA

Im a 23 year old US Boy
I have been spinning Poi for almost 6 years now, spinning just about every day. I got My poi from one of my dearest friends for a Graduation Presant (1997). I have taught many since then, and have learned from every one of them. I have had many teachers.
I will be on a Poi Quest this summer to find teachers. I feel I have leveled out, and need new inspirement.

Allong with spinning poi I also Bolw Fire, Eat Fire, and spinn Staff. I want to get into doubles next.

My life style is a Ski Bum life. I Ski in the Winter, and River Raft in the Summer. I go where the snow and water are! Spinning is more of a Party Gift, or a spiritual factor for me. I love to have lots of people see the show, but I also like to just go to a Beautiful spot (in the woods, or near a river) and spinn alone.

Well thats all for now, Not that any one will read this in the mist of all 90 posts.

~Fire Spirit


108 posts
Location: Essex

Hi everyone. I am a 23 year old Aussie girl.

First saw fire dancing at a family reunion 3 years ago. I thought it was really cool at the time and I practiced by myself in the backyard for a while.... but then I got a litle bored cos I wasn't sure how to attach fire to my broomstick handle


Last year I was at a market and saw staff's for sale....

I thought to myself..ahhhh.... and I bought one and practiced by myself some more...

then I got a litle bored again cos I was all alone in my firedancing hobby.... so I went searching on the internet and I found the lovely world of HOP....

yay! Hurrah!

And I haven't looked back

To sum that up
-on and off for 3 years
-skill level - hmmm hard to say, but mum says I am getting better! (sometimes she lies to me about my ability to look coordinated though )

I don't like living below the tropic of Capricorn..... and now I seem to be in England...... how did I get here???

108 posts
Location: Essex

Hi everyone. I am a 23 year old Aussie girl.

First saw fire dancing at a family reunion 3 years ago. I thought it was really cool at the time and I practiced by myself in the backyard for a while.... but then I got a litle bored cos I wasn't sure how to attach fire to my broomstick handle


Last year I was at a market and saw staff's for sale....

I thought to myself..ahhhh.... and I bought one and practiced by myself some more...

then I got a litle bored again cos I was all alone in my firedancing hobby.... so I went searching on the internet and I found the lovely world of HOP....

yay! Hurrah!

And I haven't looked back

To sum that up
-on and off for 3 years
-skill level - hmmm hard to say, but mum says I am getting better! (sometimes she lies to me about my ability to look coordinated though )

I don't like living below the tropic of Capricorn..... and now I seem to be in England...... how did I get here???

6 posts
Location: lakeside california

sup yall
27 on june 9....usa, dude....
been spinning for about a year now, almost, not great at it, but love to do it, great way to unwind, and socialize....
by the way, props to my boy, RAYMUND PHULE...
who enlightened me by showing me the light....
and giving me a light for the first time......

Keine Mehrheit Fur Die Mitlied!!!

sunbeamSILVER Member
old hand
1,032 posts
Location: Madrid, United Kingdom

I'm 22, don't remember when I first saw fire juggling/twirling, probably a long time ago 'cause I was taken to festivals as a kid. Then I got really into it watching a girl at a festival while tripping on mushrooms when I was about 15. But I didn't get my own poi 'til a year or two later. So about 5 years I think. I've seen better spinners than me who have been doing it for much less time.

"I don't take drugs. I am drugs" - Salvador Dali


167 posts
Location: Bergen , Norway

just turned 27.......Norwegian male
been spinning fire for ca. 11 mths....
Toys: only Poi....
how good? beginning on the beginning stage...
(recently advanced from crap)

Saw this beautifull little Japanese girl spinning some tennisballs when I was in Melbourne, So I asked if I could try....learned the 3b weaves and was addicted.....two weeks later I was spinning fire......

about 2 mnts ago i clicked in to HOP and I still have a looooong way catching up on all the moves

I like Fire.. :)

19 posts
Location: wash. dc | the space between space | plucking the ...

woo - i'm a twenty-four year old wenchly type, i've been spinning for a whole week and a half, and i blame it all on canadia! (/hug internet friends!)

i've got a few of the moves learned independently from each other, somewhatsortakinda : butterfly, reverse butterfly, thread the needle, 3, 4 and 5 beat weaves, 3 beat reverse weave, lazy man, mexican wave, windmills both ways... think that's it so far. i'm trying to keep myself focused on the basic elements of controlling the location of my circles - keeping my planes in order, i suppose - and trying to figure out when precisely to add momentum to the circles. eventually i wouldn't mind being able to go from one move to the next, other than windmill/weave. maybe someday, right?

poi are absolutely the best thing to happen to me, lately. they're truly the physical manifestation of the patterns of my thought and behaviour... which is probably why i find the sensation at being in the middle of all that motion to be so very soothing...

love, etc.

(edit: btw, FireSpirit... i read your post! so neener~ i just love learning about people's motivations, so threads like this are better than pocky, imo - but only sometimes!)

[ 11. February 2003, 03:07: Message edited by: KaosDancer ]

·:¦[ Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace the random. ·:¦[ Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. __/( tool: lateralus )/¯¯

i8beefy2GOLD Member
674 posts
Location: Ohio, USA

I just turned 20 on the 21st of April, and I live in Ohio. Yeah. Ohio. But its a beutiful state in the summer!

About a year ago now last summer while I was at a housewarming acid party (go figure) I found this 5 foot wooden flag pole laying around... after I accidently broke ball off the end I started swinging it around and kinda fell into a bunch of the basic moves. While we were having a fire out back someone suggested putting rags on the end and lighting it up and ever since I've been addicted to staff. Now I'm fairly decent, though I still feel limited in my abilities...

As for poi, I've been doing that for about 3 months now (I ordered them in the middle of winter... it was cold learning ). I got most of the basic moves down fairly fast, but now Im going back and starting over to learn to control my planes and such better. The other night I was out at a festival with some friends partying, and a band called The Burning River Band was playing... I learned how to syncronize with the beat and actually performed down by the stage. Exhillerating!

Poi have become my new obsession, though the staff is still my primary toy cause Im so much better with it than I am with poi.

Pyro_TechCrazy Nutter stuck in Farmidale...
264 posts
Location: Newcastle, Australia

I'm Rach, 21 and I hail from Newcastle, Australia - But I live in a residential college at the University of New England in Armidale during term time....

I started fire-twirling in 2000 - a good friend of mine started teaching me and I loved it instantly - he passed away pretty soon after though and I didnt really get into it for a while after he died.
I picked it up again right before his memorial when a friend from another college offered to teach a bunch of us from my college so we could do a show at his memorial...
Now, I'm absolutely hooked and I've started a group at my Uni called 'Pyrotech' - we have 28 pretty darn okay fire-twirlers and a bunch of enthusiastic beginners...
I make a lot of my own equipment with a friend of mine and we sell them to friends under the name of JimmiStix (after our buddy)....

My fav toys are my very first staff (bought from Byron Bay in OZ) a set of 1m staff and my chain poi - and I just made an awesome set of poi for daytime fun that are made out of hackey sacks with long ribbons on them...and I am muchly enjoying being hit in the head with hackey sacks instead of hard poi when i mess up...!

I love Poi, but I have to admit that my fav is single staff - mainly cause I'm more confident and fluid with staff then with Poi....

We all take different paths in life, but no matter which path we take, we take a little of each other everywhere...

Toreador VampBRONZE Member
70 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Ok the basics

Male, 30 in November, Living in the UK

I have been playing with Poi for year and a half or so I guess, saw a girl spinning fire poi at an event and thought i would like to learn. Been messing around with staff and swords ( the fighting kind) for around 8 or so years. First tried juggling when i was about 11, started tring to learn tricks about 9 years ago, but I still really only play. Have tried Devil stix, diablo, knives(both throwing and juggling) Staff, Poi, Whips and Clubs at various times.

If anyone has the patience to teach me I will try to learn just about any circus skill(or anything else for that matter)


PS Seriously someone teach me, I need it

Give a man a fire, and he's warm for a day. Set him on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life
-- Terry Pratchett-Jingo

Reality is what refuses to go away when I stop believing in it.

47 posts
Location: Exmouth, England

31 year old bloke from Devon, England

Fire poi
Juggling balls

Spinning for about 8 months

Due to the fact that my nocturnal social interactions were becoming slightly too frequent - I ran out of money! I tried to figure a way of entertaining myself that would stop me from going out. I saw diablo at the Sidmouth Folk Festival and gave it a go and loved it. After quite a while of doing this I saw this bohemian looking hippy chick (swoon!) in a local pub. Out of nowhere, she got out some electro poi and cracked on there and then. I had to have it! (The poi, not her!) Since then I practise almost daily on the beach. Obsessive compulsive disorder is quite good as I don't sleep until I've cracked a new trick that I want to learn. I won't grade myself but I don't think I'm too bad now at all.

I'm aiming for spinning fire poi in fancy dress at Glastonbury and spinning in Koh Pang Ngan in December.

See you there!

What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.

Come alive!


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