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ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

I have recently been having very vivid dreams involving the medium on the telly John Edward, and in them he is telling me about stuff that is going to happen to me...
He told me that I would have to learn to "stand on my own two feet" and this was about 3 days before I dislocated my knee.
Then about two weeks ago I dream about him again and he picks me out of the audience (in my dream) and tells me that I will need to be very aware when Im driving... about one week later Arsn and I were driving along and I started to have a really strong feeling that we needed to slow down or pull over...So I told Arsn to slow down because I was getting a 'feeling' (hes used to them now ) and about 20 seconds later a car is heading straight towards us on the WRONG side of the road trying to pass another car...The car only missed us by about a meter.. I could feel the car shudder as it passed us...
Then last week I dreamt that my parents came home from their holiday in N.Z and had a handful of tickets to the John Edwards show (which is coming to Brisbane in January but I missed out on the tickets) So I went to the show and he picked me again and told me that he needed to meet me after the show...
So I meet him and he took me to a house that was having a BBQ and there was a fire...then I woke up.
We had a big BBQ on friday night and the gas ignited and burnt my flatmates hand when she was lighting the BBQ......
So I am slowly but surely realising that there may be something to this...Its starting to freak me out a little...Im worried about going to sleep...The messages seem to be warnings, and not really centered on positive things...Dont get me wrong I am thankful about the warnings...just some of them seem to be a little cryptic...Maybe I need to meet this John Edward guy..Anyone in Aussie have a spare ticket? And does anyone else dream like this?

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

90 posts
Location: Texas, USA

Even though I'm sure people disagree with me, but, yes there are those prophecies (visions, etc.) put out there for you for good (hence the car thing) and they can be a wonderful thing! However, the opposite is also true. Be careful how you interpret them. Even though it's just a movie, "The Mothman Prophicies" is a good example of mis-interpretation.

Just off the top of my head, take a look at Joel 2 if ya get the chance.

Deuteronomy 31:6
John 15:9
Luke 6:22

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

I think a wise thing to do would be to meet this man and ask him why you are here. Dont tell him anything just feel him out. If he can tell you what has been going on then I would say your dreams are genuine if not I personally would pass them off as freak coincidence.

Personally I am highly scepticle of anyone who clames to be psychic or median of any sort. Test him and test your dreams, that is my only advice. None the less I am glad that you are safe and that things are as they should be.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Ok I just fully shit myself...My parents got home from N.Z today and mum was sitting in the bar with me telling me how the trip was, and she reached into her bag and pulled out two tickets!!!!!
I must have looked completly freaked out because she goes "Whats wrong hun?" and I looked at her and said ...."They arnt John Edward tickets are they?"
And she laughed and said "no we tried to get you some but they were sold out, they are the tickets from the show Oliver that we went to see"
So I told her the story...she is trying to find out about tickets for me to go and see this guy...Funny thing is I have the feeling that my Dad will be the one that gets the tickets...

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Look just test the guy and your dreams, but that is kinda freeky hehe. Ohh and some Imodium will help with that shitting yourself problem

*runs away before Valura kicks his arse!!*

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

I have done a bit of research into the psychology of dreams. One of the things I discovered is that every person in our dreams is a representation of a part of our own personality. When you are dreaming it is really the subconsious you are seeing, thus I deduce that you are projecting the image of this popular medium onto the psychic part of yourself that becomes awakened when you dream. Therefore it is yourself making the predictions not the medium.

I have a book somewhere about how to expand you psychic potential (which I never look at), if Pm me your address I will send it to you in the post if you are interested.

[ 14. November 2002, 00:30: Message edited by: Thistle ]

Are we nearly there yet?

279 posts
Location: Bath, UK


Just suppose some people did have psychic abilities, wouldn't this be the way in which they started to develop? Even if there is nothing supernatural going on here, maybe your brain is subconsciously picking up on subtle hints and presenting them to your conscious mind.

Either way, it sounds like the only negative aspect to these events is that they freak you out. So... don't worry about it. Every decision or action that we take is the result of many different factors, these dreams can be included in that.

I have recently been using 'the force' to navigate strange cities, and it works. At each junction I just look for whichever exit feels right, and go for it. My passengers are aware of this and are becoming increasingly impressed.

I am also open to the idea that a guardian angel recently saved my life. After a mad clubbing session one night in Bristol, my friends and I went to get fast food. Now there were three fast food shops in a row, with a crowd of at least 100 people outside. So I quickly lost my friends and went into the middle shop. When I had bought my food I went out into the crowd, but rather than looking for my friends something told me to cross the road to a traffic island to get out of the crowd. I then saw my friends leaving the other fast food shop and cross the road towards me. At that moment a stolen car came out of nowhere and ploughed into the crowd. Six people ended up in hospital, one girl was very seriously injured. I could easily rationalise my instinct to get out of the crowd, but it was a hell of a random decision at the time.

Personally, I wouldn't expect much from John Edward. Even if he is a medium it's much more likely that in your dream he represents an aspect of you, probably your intuition.

Magnus... pay it forward

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Thanks for your support guys... I also do believe in the theory that all people in my dreams are aspects of myself Thistle, and I find that ineteresting....I feel that you are a very aware person.
I am currently travelling around Queensland and attending groups as their guest clairvoyant/clairaudient/clairessent. I do have gifts in this area and read for people professinally, but I am used to having messages and things as such when Im awake. The dreams were the only place where I would have some peace and quiet
Im finding it a little disturbing about the dreams at the moment because Im not used to them seems to be a new level in my development. The earth is raising in vibration at the moment, I believe a lot of people are also...
Magnus, I also use my intution when driving...its a bit of fun.. Arsn says I pull up to a courner...go a bit quiet...and then mutter to myself and turn the courner....If we are lost we are usually not lost for long..
Its a really good way to get a parking space too...
It sounds like you are very intutuive yourself and thats beautiful...and very good for your friends and your safety...
I think that Thistle and Magnus have hit it on the head when you say that John Edward represents the intutive side of my nature... I really admire John Edward and think that he has a lot to offer to a lot of people. Maybe my subconcious is telling me that I am capable of doing great things also...
By the way Ray? Your a big tough Marine...Im only a widdle Kiwi chicky...BUT YOU BETTER RUN BOY-O!!!

[ 14. November 2002, 12:05: Message edited by: Valura ]

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

tatttySILVER Member
158 posts
Location: crapy planet thanet, United Kingdom

I keep having dreams that seem to be premanitions, (bad spelling). They are not always clear until events happen.
I recently went to a medium who helped me with loads of things like being able to feel the presence of my mum who passed away a short time ago. She helped me to open up my mind so i can truely feel my mum and also dream freely without holding up barriers and shutting off.
Basically, she advised me to just go with my 'feelings and visions' and embrace them as something positive rather than worrying about them.
Big s


Make your own happiness by making others happy [Ikeda]

*they used to read me stories, as though my dreams were boring*

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I personally think that John Edward makes all of his money off of other people's misfortunes and heartache doing one of the oldest scams in the book. I should hate him because he represents quite a bit of what I detest about using people and manipulating individuals when they're at their weakest. But honestly, he's so charismatic and one of the best speakers I've ever seen. And he makes people happy... well not happy but gives them closure. I watch him and silently nod my head at the scam he's pulling. But damn, he's good.

(Sorry for the bluntness, no disrespect to his followers...)

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

No disrespect taken on board NYC
Im at a loss, for the life of me I cant understand where he would get all the information that he gets unless it was from spirit.
Im not a gullable (sp?) person...I dont get suckered in easily... I know that there are a LOT of crooks out there posing as readers and preying on suffering people, but I also know to balance it out there are a LOT of beautiful people helping others with fantastic abilitys....I dont believe in astronomical finical gain from these gifts.
From what I have experienced with my messages and the way they come through, I really do believe that he (John) has a direct channel to spirit and all he wants to do is help..
I think a lot of people get closure from seeing a reader and if he can work with the essence of the person who has passed, for the benefit of the people still here, then that is a beautiful connection of love that is surpassing even death. If that makes people feel better and helps them to heal, then Im all for it.

[ 14. November 2002, 17:25: Message edited by: Valura ]

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

there are subtle signs to check for the mental faculty of intuition - do you feel a slight vibe in a certain part of your body when these thoughts manifest? self observe yourself, and pm me if you'd like it explained in esoteric terms.
Like many other mental faculties, intuition is not nurtured in western society and culture. In many people it lies dormant, but can always be developed. think outside the square!
also, spiritual messages in dreams may well be temporarily withheld if you tell too many people about this very private and sacred knowledge. By all means tell if you must, but know that with this divulging that nothing in this life comes for free.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

As much as I would like to say her dreams are coincidence and hogwash, I look at my own beliefs and see how many times God spoke to people through visions and dreams. I am not saying that what Valura is seeing is devine but I can not pass it off as BS.

Like I said before, test and question.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

382 posts
Location: Southampton

This thread feels very close to home, and has helped me with a few feelings that I had on this subject.

Going back 6 years to when I was 17 I had a dream in which I was already diagnosed with Leukemia and I had until roughly about lunch time that day to live. I went around with my family saying goodbye to people and I was proud of myself for making it past my expected time and well into the afternoon. I then slipped away from everyone, and took a walk outside. The day was beautiful, and I felt an enormous sense of relaxation and warmth. I then opened my parents car, climbed into the back ,and lay down and shut my eyes and drifted further into the warmth that I was feeling...and then the dream ended.

The next day I felt compelled to tell my mum about it, and that was when she revealed something to me about when I was 15 and a good friend of mine died of Leukemia, who was 17. One year later after his death, my mum had visited a clairvoyant who told her that when I reached the age that Laurent was when he died something would happen to get me over my subconscious fear that I would die the same way too. Well, it worked out that I had this dream pretty much at identically the same age as Laurent was when he died, and this was my grieving and fears ending.

I guess my point is that dreams allow us a valuable insight into our lives in the past, present and future, and it's nice to know that other people experience the same weird stuff too. I've always had a bit of a fear of my dreams, like they were pre empting my end, but now I feel like I should embrace them more, and reading this thread has helped me to realise this.

Thank you.

A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words...

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