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GlumonPLATINUM Member stranger 16 posts Location: Prague, Czech. Republic
Posted: Hi in a past I made 2 pairs of fire snakes from 2,5cm diameter kevlar rope : one side ended by dural tube , other side with a knob
Thats wonderfull effect !!!!
BUT: after about 50 twirlings, 2 ropes of 4 have a very bad condition .. 2,5cm diameter "softens" to about 1-2cm on one side of one snake and other side of another poi. (it could have about 1,5cm diameter now)
Next example : My friend made monkeyfists from 1,4cm diameter kevlar rope.Monkey fists had wooden core. = very very big fire. bud after about 20twirlings the rope go to hell :o/ on some places was broken and disconnected
Have somebody same problems , or knows about solutions to prevent this problems ??
UCOFSILVER Member 15,417 posts Location: South Wales
The first thing that comes to mind here, the type of kevlar rope your using is it fully kevlar or hybrid wick (kevlar shroud cotton core), the latter is a complete pain in the proverbial. Seriously I've had nothing but bad experiences with hybrid cored kevlar rope, supposedly much longer burning yada yada. The group I loosely run will not use it, and anyone I have contact with who buys toys with cored hybrid kevlar I recomend they send them back to the manufacturer.
The reason then, I'll qualify this then, what your describing is what I've consistently found with hybrid kevlar, as the internal cotton core burns and rapidly degrades, often resulting in a dangerous degrading of prop integrity, I've seen several fire ropes made from this material snap durring practice, and for safety concerns fire shows that I organise I will not allow the use of fire snakes / blades made from hybrid wick.
GlumonPLATINUM Member stranger 16 posts Location: Prague, Czech. Republic
Posted: Thanks for your reply .. We are using HOP kelvar ropes which looks like hybrid. Have you some links or contacts to some another shop where they have a better quality kevlar ropes ??
RicheeBRONZE Member HOP librarian 1,841 posts Location: Prague, Czech. Republic
Well,I sometimes Kevlar threads get white, seems to me like burned out. Thats may cause unpropper usage, like strong fuel or blowing out or really bad quality. But for example my ropes are 3 years old and still worky, previous one got same problem. If you can make experiment to get piecies of rope from diffrent supliers I'd like to know the result. With a rope is important how are the threads entangled together, some of them have double threading. Other think is colour , for yellow to white and if they contain metal threads too.
Try Babache (, HOP, there are some in UK too.
You might want to verify this with Malcome, I've looked at the current range of braided kevlar ropes for sale on this site these being 25mm 13mm and 10mm, and they appear to be fully aramid kevlar ropes not hybrid ropes, obviously the material you have may be different.
Hybrid wicks are generally very easy to spot, since when you expose some of the core material by removing the the outer platted shroud the core is a distinctly different cotton rope, the theory being that the kevlar shroud prevents damage to the core, experience has demonstrated on numerous occaisions that the core degrades becoming dangerously weakend and damaging the outer shroud,
GlumonPLATINUM Member stranger 16 posts Location: Prague, Czech. Republic
Posted: thanks to all replies. I'll make some photos and pate them ..
GlumonPLATINUM Member stranger 16 posts Location: Prague, Czech. Republic
Posted: Well to be honest, that is the kind of failure pattern I've seen and come to expect with hybrid wicking, typically the inner core breaks down and collapses upon itself, while leaving for a while the outer shroud intact.
However the images on your main site seem to be indicative of KEVLAR® fiber covered fiberglass mix rather than hybrid wicks. over the last three years I've used three core designs of snakes / blades / ropes whatever you want to call them, which I sell / use and are used by the group I work with etc, some of which are now in there second birthday and would have had hundreds of burns. I've always considered the original designs to be superior that being metal stitched 65mm / 118 mm kevlar around a full length chain core, vertually indestructable, no good for wraps tangles etc, build time uneconomical although materials cost effective.
I'll post a more detailed response after work
RicheeBRONZE Member HOP librarian 1,841 posts Location: Prague, Czech. Republic
Posted: I agree, because the inner core break at the end and in the beginning so it doesnt seems to be kevlar problem.
One another thing can happen a while, metal tube can cut off the rest of the rope. I'd happen to me one time.
(PS: O vikendu je akropole, muzeme poresit nejako novou technologii na uchyceni snur.)
GlumonPLATINUM Member stranger 16 posts Location: Prague, Czech. Republic
Posted: Thanks to replies: Richee: "One another thing can happen a while, metal tube can cut off the rest of the rope. I'd happen to me one time." I had never some problem with this.
Malcolm : Yes I am doing wraps with ropes sometimes , but no kicks .. Knobs are there because we are doing synchro duo.And with knob the ropes are like a poi / weight on the end of rope /
Inner chain is good suggestion , I will try it , because damaged ropes are now unusable due safety
BoomShankarGOLD Member member 95 posts Location: Leeds UK
Written by: Do you like tangles?
I like tangles but my ropes don't, and as much as id like to use them this dissagreement gets in the way. Does anyone know of any tangle happy ropes?
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