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Jonathan from Edison, NJ here. As per the template request I will inform you that I am currently a college senior, starting law school next year. I am also currently undertaking courses for rabbinic ordination.
Last year, I was at a friends wedding (This will eventually be relevant). I don't know if they do this in secular weddings, but at Jewish weddings the bride and groom sit down and everyone busts out their best moves in front of them. I brought a pair of nunchuks, and most people were pretty impressed. I never spun anything seriously, just messed around.
Anyhow, I went a different wedding a few months ago and a friend (who was at both weddings) tells me that he will overshadow my nunchucks. He breaks out a set of poi (told you I'd get around to it), and definately stole the show. To make a short story even shorter, I then started to spin poi. Been enjoying it. Thusfar, HOP has been my center for all my poi needs, teaching myself on the lessons, and ordering the poi, etc. and I've been very happy with it. Until next time.
PS- Sorry about the long winded and mildly boring intro. Kudos if you've made it this far.
BirdGOLD Member now available in "advanced" 6,086 posts Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posted: Hello, welcome to HoP!!
My state of mind is not yours to define!
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
roarfireSILVER Member comfortably numb 2,676 posts Location: The countryside, Australia
Posted: Hello there Jonathan! Law school? Nice!
Hope you enjoy your stay!
.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.
Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member *slou? 6,554 posts Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posted: hallo there!
GothFrogetteBRONZE Member grumpy poorly froggy 3,999 posts Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom
Posted: Welcome to HOP
Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows
alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel 7,193 posts Location: in the trees
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