29 posts

help av learned the 4bt reverse weave n having a problem with the 5 bt, i mess up on the last extra bt *shrug*, to go from the right side to the left should the left hand be positioned ontop of the right fore arm but curled under the right or is that totally wrong confused

any1 shine some light onto this move for me plz ubbidea


colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

what you said is correct, though it is usually curled under at the end of the forearm - the 'wrist'.

here, have a link:
[Old link]


good luck with the rev 5bt (and mind your face wink )...

cole. x

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

SinnerBRONZE Member
41 posts
Location: Battle, England

i've almost got this one but when i wrap my wrists around each other the poi get tangled. i reckon i've got the wrists right i'm justdoing something else wrong confused
i got faorwards real easy.. who came up with this stupid idea of doing things the other way around rolleyes

One of the many Duncans...
Feel the burn... (in a good way) meditate

DutSILVER Member
380 posts
Location: Nashville, TN, USA

doing everything forward/reverse equals being able to turn. you don't 'have' to learn the reverse ones... you're likely only ever going to have an audience on one side of you anyways, right? haha. can you turn a 3 beat forward into a 3 beat reverse and back in both directions (left leading and right leading)? other than that, i'm just going to keep suggesting everyone who has trouble with extra beats to try the thru-wrap version first until your comfortable getting the movement down at the right time.

learn the base form -then-> thru wrap version -> +2 beat version -> tangle. works for weaves and butterflies in all planes essentially. biggrin

-- dut

29 posts

yea i agree sinner it dont matter how fast or slow i do it i can get the last beat in but when they're ment to cross to go the other side they catch on eachother, i can do it so easily forwards but having probs with this 1, i was thinking maybe am spinning 1 faster than the other so its catching up n hitting the opposite poi.

29 posts

hey dut yea i can do 3 beat forward into a 3 beat reverse and back in both directions, and also with 4 bt weaves am trying to learn the 5 beat reverse so i can change directions into a reverse 5bt weave. i ofter do poi in a night club so theres ppl all around me

DutSILVER Member
380 posts
Location: Nashville, TN, USA

hmm. i saw a girl try to learn the 3 beat reverse recently who always got tangled b/c she tried to pull the poi across her centerline at the same time, instead of staggering them so that one leads by a half beat. if they're not off time that way, and you can do a solid 4, you'll just have to work on not making it a 5 on one side and 6 on the other. hehe.

but yeah, you don't have to turn 5-beat into 5-beat only. just like you can do 5/3 on opposite sides of a weave to get a '4 beat', you can do a full 5 reverse and full 3 forward across a turn or vice versa. it's fun.

-- dut

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