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Posted: Ok here's a question for the masses.What's your all time favorite movie and why???Some one once told me that the movies we enjoy tell us a lot about eachothers personalities, well, if you could pick one flick (ok maybe two) what would it/they be?My all time fav. movie is THE CROW. hands down. gothic love story, killer actor, tons of awesome quotes, a damn cool super hero costume- and the most beautiful movie premise (at least in my eyes) that love is stronger than death.sigh... I love that flick.How 'bout you guys? Any timeless favorites you can think of?------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...
Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: DeFrag...that is a must see live...but nice choice. Never gaves them a thought for "movies"
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
De_Fragmember 26 posts Location: Woodinville, WA, USA
Posted: I forgot to say -why- I like it. I only -wish- I could've seen it live, Pele, but I did see Saltimbanco. I've got the Quidam DVD, though--AWESOME!!!I can mesmerize myself with the German wheel dude at the beginning for hours. The editing is absolutely great--the editors did a cool trick where they followed the rotation of the wheel with the camera, so the wheel doesn't look like it's spinning--everything else does.The whole "story", no matter how simple (or even cliche?) has a lot of meaning for me, the characters are real and wonderfully acted, the music is great, and the entire show is all-around inspring...-ry guy
Posted: Jason Lee in ANY View Askiew film has the irate person down pat.I don't play favs there are just too many quality films but here's a few I like (sorry for any doubles from above)Man Bites Dog, The Godfather trilogy, Schindler's List, American Beauty, One Flew Over the Cockoos Nest, The Usual Suspects, Psycho (60's version), Pulp Fiction, Silence of the Lambs, Taxi Driver, The Sixth Sense, Singin' in the Rain, The Wizard of Oz, Bridge Over the River Kwai, 2001, American History X, Resevoir Dogs, Braveheart, Amadeus, Jaws, SE7EN, The Insider, Philidelphia, ALL Wallace and Gromit tales, Slingblade, The Shining, Good Will Hunting, Rain Man, Forrest Gump, Back to the future trilogy, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Trainspotting, This is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, The Truman Show, Man On The Moon, Ace Ventura, Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow, Nightmare Befor Christmas (any Burton film actually), Close Encounters Of the Third Kind, 8mm, Groundhog Day, The Lost Boys......Shit I'll stop there before my head explodes but I'm sure you get my drift. Favorites? I'd without any of 'em
Dr.NoodleHeadBRONZE Member member 170 posts Location: The Giant Mushroom, United Kingdom
Posted: Hmmm..I like lots of different stuff and my favorite tends to vary with my mood. I also have the worst memory in the entire world soa) I can never remember what the good ones are called andb) I can completely forget that I've even seen a film within a couple of months of watching it. This is actually quite useful because I can watch the same film over and over and not get bored with it.Having said all that, there are a couple that I can remember so I guess they must have made an impression somewhere along the line."Bladerunner" - just for being so atmospheric and poignant"A matter of Life and Death" - no-one will have heard of this - it's forty or more years old, half colour and half B/W and just, well, unique.Think that's prob'ly it Noods
Fish are just like trees except they move and they're invisible