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pkBRONZE Member Lambretta Fanatic 4,997 posts Location: United Kingdom
Posted: erm.... well its been a very long week end so far. Finally had some money to afford some new cloths and some from help the aged [wicked bargins sometimes]. Well donning my new threads i took my gurl to headcharge for the night, fantastic night coudnt stop spinning and dancing.. well after getting home and 4 hours kip its off to london for a gig...gig goes kewl, no firefighter strike so we could go ahead with the 2 fire shows we had lined up, so journey home involves 2 hours at my boss's i be playing at 7 am with a 13foot burmese python, shes a big gurl weighs a tonne and i cant lift her, so also mouching around on the floor is the 2 male murmese pythons... may i add at this point that all 3 are basically looking for a shag cos cici is on heat and leaving scent every where... erm even one me. so on arrival back home in the warmth of my house. i decide to get my 6foot carpet python out for a while as she didnt feed last week and is curently hunting for her food which i havnt defrosted yet. so i'm sat in my room posting on HOP with my python mouching on the floor hunting for food and can obviously smell the burmese on me, as i am typing a reply to a thread i look down and my snake is 1mm from removing my big toe, my stomache is churning as i write this, i know snake bites dont hurt, FUCK ME....... i was writing this thread and i knew she had just gone behind my wardrobe and she was well stuck from arms reach so i left her and carried on with my post, THEN i saw somin under my monitor and her face is there looking right at me, do i need this after no sleep?........NO... i think my snake wants to eat me or shag me cos she can smell burmese scent or just trying to tell me she wants heart needs to slow down!
[ 02. December 2002, 00:41: Message edited by: PK ]
Posted: hey, that doesnt sound too nice!!!have u managed to figure out what it is now??hope u still have all of your bodily parts, and hope that your snake didnt shag you. i dont have a snake but would like to have one, only problem is, i dont want to lose any of my body parts!!
Mike Buggins
pkBRONZE Member Lambretta Fanatic 4,997 posts Location: United Kingdom
Posted: still sat on the floor after hiding for the past hour behind the drawers, sat there poised with its head 4 inches off the ground... right by the door so i'm hoping Kato might come in to my room, will have to leave my cam running on that one sorry to disapoint you though i still havnt been shagged yet... the snakes a gurl! can snakes buy strap on's? just a question.
CantusSILVER Member Tantamount to fatuity 15,967 posts Location: Down the road, United Kingdom
Posted: Would love to see footage of Kato being attacked by a snake.
Posted: Did you know that snakes and other reptiles have two hemipenes! they can alternate hee hee haaaa
I don't like living below the tropic of Capricorn..... and now I seem to be in England...... how did I get here???
MikeGinnyGOLD Member HOP Mad Doctor 13,925 posts Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Posted: What's with the bad karma plaguing HOP peeps this year? Me with the cars (in addition to my two accidents a few weeks ago, my parents were nearly killed in March when my dad fell asleep at the wheel and missed a bridge and wound up in the river at 70MPH, but I don't think I ever brought it up on this site), you with the snake, Valura with the knee, TWO people in the ICU over the summer...
We're all good people here. Why the bad karma?
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
KaliBRONZE Member member 577 posts Location: Berlin, Germany
Posted: You know PK, I feel your pain. I often get confused between people wanting to shag me or eat me. I don't know if snakes can buy strap ons, but just to be safe I wouldn't leave your credit card lying around anywhere - or your toes for that matter. I think you should ask Pele. She knows all when it comes to reptiles.
And get some rest!!!
Beauty is the conscious sum of all our perversions.-Salvador DaliHope without action is hopeless.
CantusSILVER Member Tantamount to fatuity 15,967 posts Location: Down the road, United Kingdom
Posted: I don't see any bad karma Mr Ginny. I actually see all the joy and light and love that HoP is creating.
PK and his lady getting engaged, Ros and I finding each other. Various other HoPees finding each other and falling head over heels
They know who they are
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