DominoSILVER Member
UnNatural Scientist - Currently working on a Breville-legged monkey
757 posts
Location: Bath Uni or Shrewsbury, UK

I just felt i should share this with you

Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can beat the world into submission.

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

They're awesome!

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

i love banana guard best

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

SunnySammySILVER Member
Watching the Sky
453 posts
Location: Cambridge(ish)/Bath Spa Uni, United Kingdom

I like the ninja banana! excellent!

I jumped into the river, what did i see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me. wink

pricklyleafSILVER Member
with added berries
1,365 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

They're really great, trying to come up with my own now. biggrin

Live like there is no tomorrow,
dance like nobody is watching
and hula hoop like wiggling will save the world.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

_FSA_now comes with skydiving license
1,627 posts
Location: In your head. (Tasmania, Australia)

Haha that brings back know many years ago ilsanya and I got in trouble for drawing all over some bananas....don't know why no one else could see that they were fine art!

Proudly owned by the very cute Pineapple Pete. Owner of Noddy. Joint owner of Mr Majestik.

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