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Posted: Hello all, i am new to HOP. Ive been spinning glowstick poi for about a year, ive recently been extremly interested in fire poi... but living in mississippi i have yet to run across anyone who does it...
I have a few questions about fire poi if some of yall wouldnt mind answering...
When spinning fire poi, can you do alot of the same moves as with glowsticks such as arm wraps, leg wraps, bicep wraps and such? that may be stupid but im not sure if you could without getting burned, also can you do spirals and orbitals?
would someone be kind enough to tell me what fire poi set would be great for me to start off with?
thank you very much!
StoutBRONZE Member Pooh-Bah 1,872 posts Location: Canada
Posted: Yes, and No...It's possible to spin glowstringer style with fire poi, but you'll want to practice unlit for quite a bit before you do. There's a high probability that a wrap can go wrong, and it's a lot more serious when it goes wrong with fire than with glowsticks.
Full string wraps can be a challenge, as they hurt when you pull them off a limb with chains, probably better to start with bounce wraps, and maybe look into getting yourself some kevlar sleeves too.
The fire poi set choice is up to you, but in the long run you'd probably be happier with a set of cathedral wicks ( 4 feet each side ) than tubecores because they give a longer burn time.
Posted: thank you very much, so the chains are 4 feet long? when i string glowsticks its about arms length... or maybe im readin what you said wrong... are the chains heavy too? i have a very unique style of glowstringin, i would love to convert it over to fire poi... thank you for your help... which set of fire poi off this site would you best reccommend for me, im pretty tall 6'6.... i need all hte help i can get
GeoffonTour04SILVER Member enthusiast 360 posts Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Posted: cathedral wicks are 4 feet of wick wrapped up like a concertina. They're better than the 'wick wrapped round ally tubing' poi but not as good as monkey fists.