Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!
Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd
XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu
"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)
Owner of Dragosani's left half
"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Written by: K__
I mean, poi's a pretty visual thing, so as long as someone can demonstrate, it shouldn't be too problematic.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock
the best smiles are the ones you lead to
Because ActiveAngel sounds like a feminine deodorant
Like sex, I'm much more interesting in real life than online.
'Be the change you want to see in the world around you' - Ghandi
"This dark place planet Earth, orbits one star,
Come from afar, far away state of mind,
open up your third eye, black helicopters in the sky"
I once learned every move that there was,
Every style, Every technique.
Then I woke up, and forgot it all,
So now I struggle to dream.
"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)
Owner of Dragosani's left half
Written by: Imbalance
Have your friend put this somewhere they can feel it, AND NO NOT THERE YOU PERV, and when they catch fire, you set it vibrating. Garunteed to work, and easy to explain/understand.
Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]
Written by: NYC
They're not blind. I'm sure the sight of a safety running towards them with a towel would give them the picture.
"This dark place planet Earth, orbits one star,
Come from afar, far away state of mind,
open up your third eye, black helicopters in the sky"
.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
Don't you destroy your enemy by making him your friend?? - Rev Bem (Magog), Andromeda