Forums > Meet Others > poi lessons in calgary

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firedreamerBRONZE Member
4 posts
Location: Canada

I'm wanting to take some poi lessons...I am very green! the mount royal classes conflict with my schedule. Does any one else teach or know of someone who does?

Thanks for your help!!

Miss_GlowSILVER Member
New to Poi
2 posts
Location: Alberta, Canada

I'm in the same vote as you. If you do find anything, can you let me know. Thanks

5 posts

I am in Calgary for the next few months (winter)

I have taught beginner to advanced poi for 2 1/2 years at the Centre of Gravity (Zero Gravity Circus practice and instruction space) in Toronto.

I would be happy to start some instruction here in Calgary if there is interest. Private lessons at your place on your schedule are totally possible. If there is interest and I can find space, group lessons will be more economical. Perhaps a series while I'm here in town. I just need a space....

PM me here, or email circularfusion (at) gnubie (dot) net if you are interested in learning or jamming or have a lead on a space.

See you soon!

stingrayBRONZE Member
2 posts
Location: calgary, canada

I am new to spinning poi and am looking to hook up with someone to teach me some basic skills to develope a good base to start with, if your stil avalible in Calgary or know of anyone who is please e-mail me back at stingraydesigns@hotmail,con

5 posts

It was great to spend some time with you, hope you're doing well and see you again soon.

Anyone in Calgary want to get some focused instruction to tighten up technique let me know. I'll be here till end of April or thereabouts. (all plans subject to change wink )

1 post

Hey all! New to this too and looking for some basic instruction here in Calgary?
Anyone out there? smile

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Hi Vica,

I'm moving this thread into the "Meet Others" section where this type of thread belongs - hopefully you'll get more help there smile

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

1 post

Is there's a class now in Calgary?

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