Forums > Help! > poi/fire theory needed for essay on fire performance

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pantherlixBRONZE Member
2 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hi all, i'm a keen fire performer, and am currently trying to write an essay on fire and performance for my thrid year at uni - but i'm having trouble finding some theory, books, articles, essays to back me i wondering if anyone had ever come across any sort of theory on why we, as humans are compelled by fire, why we perform with it, and fire in theatrics....anything at all would be trully helpfull! thanks ! x

FatGuruSILVER Member
40 posts
Location: Findlay, Ohio, USA

The reason people are amused by what we do? Fire scares people. Their fear is caused by their misunderstanding of fire. For them to see someone wield this ancient element as if it were soft, fluffy, and not dangerous at all is amusing. It is the same reason people are thrilled by stunt men and magicians. The masters appear to have no fear, and that amuses people. Think about it. The first time you saw a 3 beat it was AWESOME!! But now its old news. Now its the 3 headed poi doing acrobatics while blind folded that gets you excited. Why? Because you understand the 3 beat.

"It is far better to know you think than it is to think you know." -FAT-

pantherlixBRONZE Member
2 posts
Location: United Kingdom

thanks for your reply, and i'm in total agreement, but i'm looking for actual theory i can quote within my essay to prove my argument....

fire performance also dates back to ritualistic and transformative rights.....does this have any relevance in todays use of the elements within performance?

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA


Ok some of these are more helpful than others. Some are just other places that you can ask people.
And don't forget the history articles on our webpage

One other thing you could do is create a survey. There are a lot of websites where you can do that. And then you can get it out there by email or if you have webpage. Then you could find out why people now perform with fire.

Just some ideas

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

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