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Forums > Introductions > Introducing ME! *drum roll*

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xxCassxxBRONZE Member
7 posts
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Hi guys, New to the forums here so i thought id do the social thing and say hi.

Name: Caz/Cassie/Cassandra

Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Hometown: London

DOB: 1st september 1988....but possibly the most ditzy disorganised virgo out there.

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Occupation(s): Student, waitress, hostess and professional trouble maker. I do a few fire shows every now and again and some amateur photography.

Favorite Food(s): oooh. chocolate. *drools* does that count as a food? If not then fruit salads.

Favorite Color(s): Black and swirly trancey floopy uv colours

Toys: Poi and staff. But im not very good at staff, still in the whole "oooh look at me!" *gives self a concussion* stage.

Hobbies other than the obvious: Collecting cd's, photography, art (sketching, pastels and arabic water ink stuff) Collecting completely useless knowledge and PARTIES! partying partying and more partying. ubbrollsmile

Education: Studying the last of my elusive A levels right now and midway through a uni course for advertising.

Favorite Book(s): Too many... Favourite authors are Tom robbins and Terry pratchet though.

Favorite Movie(s): Fear and loathing, donnie darko, spun, trainspotting, the boondock saints and a few more which i cant remember.

Favorite TV show(s): TV is bad, it fills your brain with steriotypical bullshit and misconceptions.

Plans for life in general:....umm...have fun and enjoy life. You could get hit by a bus any day so live life to the fullest. I maybe want to be a photojournalist....

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: PSY TRANCE! *hippy stomp*

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): mmm. Chocolate. and anything from ben and jerrys

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella? Nutella. I eat it with a spoon. mmm

Ok all done... ubbloco

** FlOoPy wHirLyGiGs oF tRaNcYnEsS AnD ChOcOlAtE cOaTeD iNsAniTy **

darkness-beforeGOLD Member
Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors
197 posts
Location: The sea, United Kingdom

Hi there welcome. Nuttela for the win. Stole your post virginity. welcome

Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

hi there

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

~Leah~GOLD Member
584 posts
Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia

I Caz. Nice to meet you hun.

Never hold your farts in! They travel up your spine, go into your brain and that's where shitty idea's come from.

xxCassxxBRONZE Member
7 posts
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Thanks for the nice welcome. aww. I feel so loved. : )

** FlOoPy wHirLyGiGs oF tRaNcYnEsS AnD ChOcOlAtE cOaTeD iNsAniTy **

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