Forums > Meet Others > Looking for spinners in South Eastern PA

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AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Well, I am hoping to find a few people who spin in my area who are either beginners or teachers. I will gladly help anyone who is beginning and would love to learn from anyone who is advanced. I am also looking for belly dancers to learn from if anyone knows anyone out there.


Skrytinn_QveldrigaBRONZE Member
delectatio morosa, gaudium, desiderium
160 posts
Location: furthur..., Germany

if you move to cali i know bellydancers...

biggrin happy little panda bear biggrin
i love you

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I would love to but I am bonded to PA. One ex hubby and one kid together makes it hard to move unless god drops a bus on ex's head biggrin

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Wow there must not really be anyone in Pennslyvannia that spins. Bummer

JerryDSILVER Member
136 posts
Location: Maryland, USA

Where is PA are far south? I know there are groups in Baltimore and Philly, maybe those would work for you?

I was touched by His Noodly Appendage

glowing_foolknown to wear fancy pants
11 posts
Location: New Jersey

i dont live in PA but i dooo live in the trenton area of central jersey. not sure how close that makes us but it would be nice to spin with other people for a change.

spin happy

318 posts
Location: I am in a world you do not want to be, USA

Are you spinners still checking this?

Don't hate me because I am different, hate me because I still think I am better then you!

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