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idamSILVER Member newbie 37 posts Location: vancouver BC, United Kingdom
Posted: we need more spinning and juggling things here in brighton, so if anyone else would like to do something about this please let me know. i know the university meet is starting up again ( and ill be there) , but i think we have room for more and something more in town, i know a few people who are up for it and if there are others make themselves known and we can all go out to play.. yay... then we could have some tea and biscuits ... and feel smug...yay...
ZazieBRONZE Member There Is No Spoon 68 posts Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posted: hey this isn't brighton uk you're talking about is it? i know there's a few brightons around the place an apparently you're in vancouver...
Three years of my life that took. And I get; "... nice."
FireNixBRONZE Member old hand 904 posts Location: India/Bristol
Posted: Good point - thats a long way to commute Idam!! In the title mate, in the title - bloody Brits!!
Feel the Flame Phirenix
duballstarSILVER Member slack rating - 9.5 2,216 posts Location: Suburbiton, Yoo-Kay, United Kingdom
Posted: atten - hut!
Give DannyDevil a call Idam, I'll pm you his number. An I'll give you a shout next time I'm down...
It is our fantasies that make us real. Without our fantasies we're just a blank monkey' - Terry Pratchett
idamSILVER Member newbie 37 posts Location: vancouver BC, United Kingdom
Posted: yes we are in the uk.. ( dont ask me why ) .. no im not commuting from vancouver, i thought id changed that, i cant change it on myspace. it seems to be stuck.. we do seem to be gathering numbers and university club has restarted but still want to get something going in town.. so news to follow... thanks chris...
idamSILVER Member newbie 37 posts Location: vancouver BC, United Kingdom
Posted: Fixed look we are in england... where did all the bouncey boingey things go?? i liked them.....
Danny_GOLD Member . 95 posts Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posted: i'm in brighton, and always up for a spin...
torchleinGOLD Member Jupiterpassion 35 posts Location: Brighton UK
Posted: Hey, at last brighton people. Me and some others are up for a spin too. Id love to know more about the University thing? When and where exactly. Did you all see my posts about the workshop by Nick Woolsey (scales of poi author) I am trying to organize? Its on the 1st and 2nd November. And whoever wants can come to the poiparty on 1st in the evening (does not depend on workshop attendance).
LNA xx
idamSILVER Member newbie 37 posts Location: vancouver BC, United Kingdom
Posted: hello
the university thing is on wednesdays. 2moro... that goes from 8 till 10 and is out on the falmer site so if anyone wants a lift ill be driving as im lazy and its too far to walk, well not realy, im just lazy...
i didnt know mr woolsey was blessing us with his presence that could be fun.....
and as far as other stuff im off to check out a couple of venues today and if you come to the university ill be there so we can see whats possible....
happy spinning....
torchleinGOLD Member Jupiterpassion 35 posts Location: Brighton UK
Posted: HEy can you still organize that pickup offer? My number is 07828209128. Ill call Nick and see if he would be up for it already. He was still a bit tired last i saw him, but hey he is in brighton now.....
torchleinGOLD Member Jupiterpassion 35 posts Location: Brighton UK
Posted: Hi Idam,
I made it there but was quite late and didnt know who you were. Maybe we will meet next time, ill definately come again. Enjoyed it. Especially having a go with fire again at the end. Its been a long time.
The place I was telling you about is The Manor on Manor road. You can hire the Hall there untill 10. And there are 3 buses that go there. BN25ea. it would be cool to have something going on a little closer as well.
idamSILVER Member newbie 37 posts Location: vancouver BC, United Kingdom
ive found the little smiley people again yay.... well the couple of places that i had in mind dont seem to be working... so i thought we should try and take over the level again whilst we still have some ok weather, and we do have the university on wednesdays, also if we met at the level it would be a good chance to meet up and see if anyone else has any bright ideas or what they would like to do
so how about thursday at about 6 or 7pm .. to pick a day or if it clashes let me know maybe sundays is better, then we get some light too as clocks change soon.....
let me know..... idam....
torchleinGOLD Member Jupiterpassion 35 posts Location: Brighton UK
Posted: I can do sunday. And I'm up for it. Let me know which day you choose. But have you tried the Manor. It has a huge indoor and outdoor space. Marlene Oliver 07835 849724 does the bookings there.
idamSILVER Member newbie 37 posts Location: vancouver BC, United Kingdom
Posted: yello. sunday sounds good... ive put a couple of pics in my galleryt so i can be identified more easily...
will be at the uni again this eve......
torchleinGOLD Member Jupiterpassion 35 posts Location: Brighton UK
Posted: lol been to the gallery, we talked and you were showing me hyperloops
idamSILVER Member newbie 37 posts Location: vancouver BC, United Kingdom
Posted: hello again.
so it seems we werent the only ones with a plan for sunday. see bookface group. Fire fun in brighton......
so with our combined forces and the excellent weather that we WILL be getting despite the BBC's slightly dubious forecast should be lots of fun. see ya there......
torchleinGOLD Member Jupiterpassion 35 posts Location: Brighton UK
Posted: So is it 3 pm we are meeting?
torchleinGOLD Member Jupiterpassion 35 posts Location: Brighton UK
Posted: looking at the weather
but just received this message from the Fire Fun in Brighton group: ust a reminder that we are meeting tonight at the level ( weather depending ) So as long as it's not raining. From 7pm onwards I am looking forward to meeting these new faces.much Peace JB
so let the sun shine hm maybe let the moon shine to be realistic EDITED_BY: torchlein (1225023289)
T-S-ASILVER Member Magic Monkey Juice 252 posts Location: Saaf Ingerland Innet, England (UK)
Posted: Gargh, I missed this. Anything planned for the future?
"We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"
ugoAgogoBRONZE Member member 112 posts Location: Brighton / Canterbury, United Kingdom
Posted: Hey guys,
were planning on getting a spinning / juggling jam going on on the 30th of may bank holiday. Its a sunday, and we are putting on a 15 hour charity event at the volks (midday till 4/5am)
We are going to have the bassbin down for the weekend, so we though that it would be excellent to have a juggling session on the beach (with music accomliament!) before the event starts. (free / donation entry) We are going to have music ranging from reggae and dub though to a 5 pice live dubstep band then into electro, techno and finishing off with psy trance.
There is defiantly going to be some hoop and poi / staff workshops going on, If anyone would like to donate there knowledge and skills and like to do a workshop please get in touch / spead the word!
I will post up lineup details as everything gets confirmed.
ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. . . . . . . . . . . . . ZAP
T-S-ASILVER Member Magic Monkey Juice 252 posts Location: Saaf Ingerland Innet, England (UK)
Posted: Once again... Awesome.
"We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"
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