336 posts
Location: NY, USA

So I think I might just be getting the coolest summer job EVER!!!I'll be working with the Defenders of Wildlife to push for a sound energy plan that includes alternate energy sources like the sun and wind etc AND mass mailing the new prez Dubya' Bush about his shotty solution for the fossil fuel problem AND trying to preserve the last remaining bits of the Alaskan wildlife preserve from the Big Oil companies AND rasie awarness about environmental issues in the Western NY region.$350 a week base pay, possible $600 a week w/ overtime. I get paid to save the planet- is that cool or what! grin------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

tekknogurrlBRONZE Member
90 posts
Location: New Paltz, NY, USA

wow- congrats. now where can i sign up?? hehe"Captain Planet, he's a hero, gonna take pollution down to zero..." *couldn't resist*

~K~No matter what you do, one billion Chinese won't care.

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

beats the hell outta sacking groceries like i did over the summer when i was younger.A buddy of mine got a job here in the gulf on an environmental testing rig. His job was to watch the strainers and save any sea turtles or sea wildlife that would get caught in them..He said he loved it.. Good form N8..good formSuper'------------------"Only the warrior that hears the call will know when to leave, Where to go" -unknown"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams"- Willy Wonka

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

Dr.NoodleHeadBRONZE Member
170 posts
Location: The Giant Mushroom, United Kingdom

Give 'em hell N8!! grinWorking for something you truly believe in is THE BEST and you have my heartfelt best wishes. I truly hope you have an impact an can divert his surreal plan to cope with the energy crisis to something that's more imaginative and sustainable.I worked in conservation for a few years, loved every minute and then started to get disillusioned with the fact that most people simply don't care. Even those that say they do are rarely willing to make even the smallest changes or sacrifices in their own lifestyle to make a difference.Still, I'm with you all the way - go for it, good luck and God(ess) bless.Noods smileP.S. I've already done the petition - let me know if I can help in any other way.

Fish are just like trees except they move and they're invisible

162 posts
Location: Springfield, MA - USA

Just to interject... if you like animation and want to see something that talks pretty powerfully about the environment, try to track down the series Earth Girl Arujuna (or is sometimes spelled Arjuna).I don't think it has officially been brought over to the US from Japan yet, but I've seen fan subtitled versions of the first four episodes on places like Hotline.Captain Planet has always kind of irked me in that it seems like a good idea that could have been done sooo much better, and is hard to take serious at all the way it is. On the other hand, Arujuna seems more of a personal journey and the choices that everyone has to make in their lives...Anyway, congrats N8! I can only hope to do something that important some day. smile

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