warren79BRONZE Member
9 posts
Location: South Africa

Im new to using glow poi and looking to buy me a set soon.

I need to know what is a good set to start with.Im basically looking for something robust but not to hard either.Must be strong enough to hit each other without breaking into pieces but also be soft enough to hit me in the face without causing brain damage.

I was looking at the OGG poi but have been reading a lot of bad reviews.They are soft but people say the are fragile?????

Anyone know of a good set of glow poi to start off with?

EDITED_BY: warren79 (1228888255)

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

MY suggestion is to buy some oggs, not ogg poi... oggs. and make them yourself.

Buy some eyelets. Buy some colecord... figure out what your favourite handle type is (I personally tied the colecord into a loop that my fingers can go in, but you can add any kind of handle.

The main issue I see with the oggpoi design is that they secured it in the top of the egg, I did mine by punching a hole in each side, toward the actual LED unit... this way, if my poi clip something... the unit isnt hitting anything, its just the soft eggy bit. grin

If you need any further instructions I can put some pictures up, though I'll be going away for the weekend soon so it shan't be swift. smile


ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
810 posts
Location: Canberra, Australia

Mother_Natures_Son, sounds like a really cool method of attachment. I might have a go at making some my self some day.

Also warren79 I'm not sure where you are located but here in Australia there is a skill toy brand called YoHo who make a pretty good beginners glow poi actually they aren't much different to the design mother_natures_son is describing but they would be good if you aren't technically inclined.

Oh and the really cool part about them is they are fairly cheep and you can choose between settings of colour fade , strobe, or just one plain colour.

I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

You can buy those yoho products in Australian Geographic stores... but I'm not so sure on them, I was let down by their product a while back.

Apparently they've been upgraded since so they might be alright. I'd grab some colecord for them anyway, because colecord makes millions of difference.

Those glow poi ElectricBlue mentioned about 25 bucks last I was in AG, the magic egg poi... 30 bucks for the eggs, 4 bucks or so for the colecord (I got more colecord than for the one pair, so its probably like.. 2) eyelets about 3 bucks. Get nice big eyelets though, the ones I got were slightly smaller than what I really needed and it was a pain getting the cord through the holes.

A benefit I see with the eggs is that they have a charging station, so no batteries at all, easy charging (Though they can sit slightly funny after you modify them, but just means 2 extra seconds getting them balanced) And you get a spare in case one breaks! (Which hasn't happened to me yet.)


Geoff_RoseboroughSILVER Member
14 posts
Location: USA

I agree go for Oggz, don't buy oggpoi. I bought Oggz already modified by flowtoys and I enjoy them. They are a bit on the heaver side (obviously varying based on how long your chain is) Cole cord is the most amazing stuff ever, I set mine up for double, rather than single (meaning the cord doubles over) Feels a lot softer in the hands. Then at the top, I put swivels and a handle, whatever works best for you. They are my favorite pair of glowpoi, though I prefer my cone poi over anything practice-wise(bought through HoP), though I'm working on my own designs as of now.

If you prefer lighter poi, flowlights are pretty rad, but EXTREMELY light without flowmass. I don't have experience with the flowmass yet. The flowlights are really sturdy. Really hard to break, but they aren't soft so hitting yourself might be on the painful side depending on how fast you're spinning. I think the best way to learn is through hitting yourself though. After a short period of time, it's not as bad when you DO hit yourself, and it works because you learn how to do things by finding out what not to do. Trial and error-works every time.

MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Flowlights with crystal cases and flowmass are heavy enough, for me anyway and I tend to like heavy ish poi (180gm juggling balls in my sock poi for example). Not really a beginners toy though as they are quite expensive (worth it imo tho)

ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
810 posts
Location: Canberra, Australia

Mother_Natures_Son, Yeah they have been updated since then.

I had some troubles with the first rounds of the poi but the i have stuck with them just beacuse they are cheep and easy for shows and it is easy to get multiple matching sets also i can never find Oggs cheaper here in Canberra. I have been using the new design ever since they came out and the only problem i had was the main string untieing once.

Also the strobe and fixed colour modes are pretty cool.

I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Motley: How heavy are the flowlights with mass and crystal cases?

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

I don't have a real answer for you, aston, but I can tell you that I used a set of flowlights with the flowmass and I found it to be slightly too light for me, but tolerable.

I do, however like my poi very heavy compared to a lot of people.


MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Originally Posted By: astonMotley: How heavy are the flowlights with mass and crystal cases?

I'll weigh them for you when I get home and let you know wink

MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

The heads are pretty much exactly 100g. Thats with the crystal case and flowmass. Bit lighter than I thought actually!

overacidGOLD Member
8 posts
Location: Australia

I have the most perfect remedy for you guys/gals... well, this is what i adopted and they are my most fav set i've ever made (and i've made a sh!theap)...

So... flowlights, crystal cases and colecord... great, but too light right?... So what i did: I went to a fishing store and got some really decent swivels. The really heavy duty kind that they use for shark fishing. They are great swivels not only to use at the handles for orbitals etc. BUT they also double as a handy weight addition! So - there's a little bit of room at the top and bottom of the crystal cases. All i did was put two or three of these swivels in the bottom before i put the flow light in. When the flow light goes back in the case, there's still room for the case to close at the top and for you to get colecord through. All of a sudden, i had a really nice weight, one that finally lets me train with light but have a decent fire poi feel.

I'm hooked on this set, and cant seem to put them down. I'm serious. Addicted. :-D

I can take some photos and post if need.


P.S. There was a lot of trial and error to get to that solution. My first attempt involved a hellofalotta see thru sticky tape around the crystal cases. Added nowhere near enough weight and just took ages to do. :-/
P.P.S. Oh and i do the double cord thing with the colecord just for the record.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

So without the flowmass they must weigh nearly nothing?

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Aston - yes I wouldnt even consider using them without the flowmass, basically just glowsticks then.

I need to get some swivels on mine, but I'm yet to find a solution that I'm happy with. I might also remove the flowlight handles I'm using and replace them with something spherical, for throwy goodness. I'll let you know how I get on smile

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

OK, just wondered. Thanks.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

joffjkDIAMOND Member
147 posts
Location: bangkok,london and somerset, Thailand

thanks guys for your post ive been thinking about getting some flow lights the weight has been the thing that has been stopping me so far. i think i'll save up for a set and add some weight to them like overacid was talking about

I love thinking in circles

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

I have flowpoi duo. Does anyone know if i can somehow add the tubing if i buy a couple of crystal cases. (or can you buy the short flowmass seperate? im presuming its just the plastic case bit)

oh and hi again all, back from my 7 months of travels. time to look for a job frown

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

I believe you can put the flowmass on the crystal cases, I think I had heard of someone doing that, but I don't know.

You CAN buy the flowmass separately.

But the best people to ask are flowtoys themselves!



steambugGOLD Member
21 posts
Location: Adelaide, Oztralia, Australia

You can buy the flowmass separately- they even sell it on HoP. It's basically just thick walled, clear tubing with a slit partway up the side. I'm not sure if the hop 'mass' is the same as that sold on the flowtoys website, but its what I have on my crystal cases, and does the job well- provided you put it on the correct way so it doesn't fly off whilst spinning wink...
(I learnt that the hard way one night... clear plastic is not so easy to locate in ones back garden in the dark no)

V_RegalGOLD Member
Lost in the Lights
101 posts
Location: BC, Canada

Mmm, It's a good thing about the weight. I myself was worried if the flowlights were going to be TOO light, but seeing that they apparently weight about as much as glowsticks comforts me. :] But yeah, Flowlights seem really good, which is why I spent double on that I was originally hoping for for them.

Risen from the Ashes
The Phoenix shall rise in his royal flaire.

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Doesnt adding Flomass or 'Weight Sleeves' from HOP to crystal cases make the idea of pressing the button/turning on and off kind of pointless?
The duos are good but i would like to try spinning with 1/2 the size. Perhaps i could modify the duo with a saw - but then the duo cases (flomass) would be cut in half for future use.

steambugGOLD Member
21 posts
Location: Adelaide, Oztralia, Australia

Sorry geeza not sure if i understand you correctly, um do you mean in terms of being able to access/ manipulate the button through the crystal case, unlike standard flowpoi where you have to open the case and take out the flowlight to change pattern/ turn them off?
...In which case you can still do that with the weight sleeves on the crystal cases- you just need to slide the weight sleeves on so that the slit in them sits directly over where the flowlight button is. It works okay for me anyway smile.

V_Regal: yeah, personally i think they're definitely worth the extra cash, they make some very cool patterns- nice for sorta zoning out to when spinning to good music. and they're much more body friendly than glowsticks when you screw up. Mine were sorta temperamental to start with, but seem to have got over it now... weird umm

V_RegalGOLD Member
Lost in the Lights
101 posts
Location: BC, Canada

Haha. Glowsticks sting, but I bet some big meteor poi would be simply atrocious if you sacked yourself.

And how bright are they compared to Ultras?
EDITED_BY: V_Regal (1235433976)

Risen from the Ashes
The Phoenix shall rise in his royal flaire.

ThnikkamanBRONZE Member
1 post
Location: USA

I would like to see a picture of your Oggz you set up! im tired of using sox on mine haha

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

I made some custom oggz, i will find you the pics if i still have them. Sold them now to a guy on here and got flowpoi duo and colecord, part of me wants them back.

showing brightness next to normal glowpoi

what i sold

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I used a leather punch to stamp out the holes then fitted brass hoops and shoelace

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