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MassHysteriaGOLD Member FireBender 19 posts Location: South Florida, USA
Posted: New video for july is up!!!! Hope you all enjoy, any critiques are greatly appreciated, more videos coming . 4-10-09
another new video for your enjoyment!!! 7-18-09
Newest video, check out my staff solo... whatcha think?????
_________________________ keep on keeping on
EDITED_BY: MassHysteria (1254337573) EDIT_REASON: NEW VID
keep on keeping on
FelexSILVER Member Destroyer of worlds and ooo shiny. 268 posts Location: In my own head, United Kingdom
Posted: It sounded and looked very windy. Was that the wind? Also how much trouble where you in?
MassHysteriaGOLD Member FireBender 19 posts Location: South Florida, USA
Posted: yes that was all wind, rarely fails on miami beach.. My troupe and I always stay after everyone is gone and pick up the massive amounts of trash, therefore the cops actually dont mind us(meaning my troupe), they are only there beacause of the people that are at the drum circle for the wrong resons, such as getting shitfaced and leaving their trash everywhere.(MORONS!!)) If only I had my own beach......
keep on keeping on
MassHysteriaGOLD Member FireBender 19 posts Location: South Florida, USA
Posted: come check out me new vids and critique them please!!!!, thats what this is for right????
keep on keeping on
FelexSILVER Member Destroyer of worlds and ooo shiny. 268 posts Location: In my own head, United Kingdom
Posted: Morons. I and really developing a hatred of people. Very cool that you clean up after them.
OK critic….
Drum Circle the music you used worked the others I had to turn the sound off man. In C.O.L Trial run at about 2.20 in I would louse that to me it just looks wrong to me although I cant say why. In Staffropeduet I wouldn’t use the video effects you don’t need them and they distract from your spinning.
Real person….. I enjoyed that thanks. (apart from the music) besides its easy to criticise its not as if I’ve made any Vids.
FelexSILVER Member Destroyer of worlds and ooo shiny. 268 posts Location: In my own head, United Kingdom
Posted: and really? Cant type today am really is what I meant to say. (Sigh)
- green writing on a light blue background is not the contrastiest choice - edit a tad earlier upfront a mistake happening, if the scene is too short, leave it out (if you want a "flawless" movie) - the other hand syndrom, when doing staff... only noted twice - repeat transisions... whilst it's tempting to use all transisions, WMM has some that are not looking so cool... I notied one wipe that is not really making it in the vid, but forgot to nothe the time - trails: sometimes really looking cool, sometmes (when short) it just forms a fireball - can't see what you're doing at all.
Apart from that it looks alrigth to me, nice spinning
keep shining
the best smiles are the ones you lead to
MassHysteriaGOLD Member FireBender 19 posts Location: South Florida, USA
Posted: gretaly appreciated man, that was my first run with windows movie maker , i def agree about the music as well (something lighter), will post the final video, thanks again for the feedback!
keep on keeping on
MassHysteriaGOLD Member FireBender 19 posts Location: South Florida, USA
Posted: ok so intro is changed, trails are no good, and i need to stop getting happy fingers with the transitions, good stuff there, thanks!!!
and I guess you got me wrong on those trails... I really dig them, only when it's in close action it ain't good - but when you have your arms extended, it's
you guys are storm spinners really it seems as if the wind is blowing you guys away ... quite tricky conditions
the best smiles are the ones you lead to
MassHysteriaGOLD Member FireBender 19 posts Location: South Florida, USA
Posted: Please go check my video and give me some feedback, i know you fellow fire lovers are out there, especially critique my single staff solo , thanks a million.... peace!!!! and if ever in south florida, let's burn one!!!!!!!!!
EDITED_BY: MassHysteria (1254889036)
keep on keeping on
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