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SladinjiSILVER Member newbie 46 posts Location: Paris, France
Posted: Hey all,
Here's a training video of my friend and colleague, Forka (from Paris). She shot this video trying to work mostly on the fluidity of her movements and linking her tricks. Some of the stuff in there is experimental and still work in progress.
Watch in HQ, you might not see anything if you don't...
- Maelle -
squidBRONZE Member sanguine 382 posts Location: sur, USA
Posted: love the setting, first off. That semi-indoors makes it great for any kind of weather.
I super enjoyed some of the throws and catches. There was a mid-air leg catch I'd never seen before. Try to post this at hoop city, as well and you'll get nothin but hoop lovin comments.
"to a man whose only tool is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." Abraham Maslow
squidBRONZE Member sanguine 382 posts Location: sur, USA
Posted: love the setting, first off. That semi-indoors makes it great for any kind of weather.
I super enjoyed some of the throws and catches. There was a mid-air leg catch I'd never seen before. Try to post this at hoop city, as well and you'll get nothin but hoop lovin comments.
"to a man whose only tool is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." Abraham Maslow
FelexSILVER Member Destroyer of worlds and ooo shiny. 268 posts Location: In my own head, United Kingdom
Posted: I have to say the urban slightly run down look of the place was a great setting and your putting together a nice routine.
SladinjiSILVER Member newbie 46 posts Location: Paris, France
Posted: I guess she's posted this on tribe and other more hoop related forums. Just thought I'd share it here for her =) thanks for the replies
- Maelle -
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