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Sister ElevenGOLD Member owner of the group property 1,277 posts Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Posted: I've been playing around a lot with my chase crossers lately, and can transition into and out of them in pretty much all the ways I've tried so far. But while I learned butterfly crossers first, I still haven't figured out how to do much more than spin a butterfly, throw one of the poi behind me to start a butterfly crosser... and then let my poi flop down so I can start something else from scratch. I apparently understand butterfly crossers far less well.
So, any tips on how to get out of a butterfly crosser gracefully? I'm still kind of n00bish, so just the fundamentals would be helpful.
bjrcboyBRONZE Member journeyman 74 posts Location: USA
Posted: Hmm try this. Start off with a butterfly crosser forward spin(meet in the middle at the top and leave eachother at the bottom) now why leave your hands at your shoulders? You can easily straighten your arms straight up above your head. So basically you'd transition from a butterfly crosser to a butterfly windmill above your head with your arms straight. From there the possibilities are endless.
At around 3:10 patrick does what I'm talking about but its the poi are going the same direction. I havent done it in opposites yet but I reckon with a little practice it should be easy!
GilbertBGOLD Member stranger 2 posts Location: Apopka/Orlando Florida, USA
Posted: my favorite thing to transition into are arm extensions. for instance, from the butterfly crosser you can rotate both arms backwards and it makes a flower with 1, 4 point flower circled by a fire circle. by spinning your body in 180 or 360 wile moving the crosser up, down makes a very cool and complex visual too. If ur good u can play it off while doing a 180 and poping it off ur ankle or foot so that both poi now travel in the forward motion.! Hope that helps lol
Posted: i just got butterfly crossers, and this might seem a little dull, but i transition right back into butterfly, stall right poi, and go into split time hip reels *shrug*.
Sister ElevenGOLD Member owner of the group property 1,277 posts Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Posted: This is actually more what I'm looking for, since I can't get out of a butterfly crosser right now, period. I don't suppose you can describe how you get back into a butterfly? because all my attempts involve collisions between poi and poi, and poi and head.
Posted: well with my crosser my right hand is on top on my left side and when i pull out of it i just do a circle in front of me with my right hand going same direction as crossers were, then same thing with my left hand then back into butterfly so its like a crosser to a circle in front of me towards the top of my head and a circle on the left side near your hip then bring together into a butterfly, thats all i have found so far. but yet i just learned them bout 3 days ago
Sister ElevenGOLD Member owner of the group property 1,277 posts Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Posted: This makes sense. I guess come to think of it I do sort of the same thing with chase crossers, simply letting one spin in front of me for an extra turn and then swinging my other hand around when I have the chance... I will practice this some tonight...
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