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Smurf24029GOLD Member Poi Master Smurf 343 posts Location: Tacoma, Washington, USA
Posted: No matter what toy you have but how many and what kind.
I myself have a pair or rainbow led poi balls in Aurora socks, Pro series led poi balls in jail house sock, Plus 2 extra pairs of poi socks and batteries. Then I have my fire poi, and then a monkey fist rope dart made with some wake boarding rope. So 3 poi 1 rope dart
Fly High Spin Hard Don't Stop
DannyRoseGOLD Member Love is life 16 posts Location: Northwest Ohio, USA
Posted: 1 set monkey fist fire poi 1 set of water flowlights with crystal cases and weight 1 set of cone poi 1 striped sock poi 1 HoP LED strobing balls (with homemade counterbalanced handles from old skateboard wheels) set of homemade double staffs (just started making attempts at learning) and soon a set of home made fire snakes. by christmas I should have 80mm contact poi, earth and nebula flowlights with cases and hopefully a set of buugeng.
"All I knew was Love" - Papadosio
Stnd54SILVER Member newbie 42 posts Location: Manchester/Essen, Germany
Posted: Pair of fire poi Pair of flowlights with crystal cases and weight Pair of cone poi Pair of sock poi Pair of really ghetto homemade poi Pair of angel wings 3-piece concentrate staff Ghetto super-light homemade staff A 4-inch stage ball (orange of course) Oh and a set of juggling balls
I totally want to steal thirteens collection of flowlights ;p
Chris_Lu1DIAMOND Member Flow Artist 67 posts Location: USA
Posted: Just added the following: (parts for one more dragon staff and two fire whips pictured but not yet made)
Sorry for the quality, I couldn't find the second picture.
-23 yoyos -4 sock poi -2 diablos -3 4 inch stage balls -4 3.5 in. stage balls -3 bags for juggling -3 bounce balls -8 heavy metal balls -3 clubs -15,000 yoyo strings
lol i started with yoyos
"I need string nao."
Poi on EarthGOLD Member Intergalactic Space Hippie 6 posts Location: Earth, USA
Posted: 1. Flowtoys crystal poi with double mass and silicone knob handles 2. Ninja Poi with custom PX3 handles with a swivel 3. Custom green 80mm MB stage ball poi using colecord and a silicone knob handle. 4. Custom orange 72mm MG stage ball poi using nylyon rope and DIY knob handles. 5. Flowpoi Duo with HoP single loop handle 6. HoP Cone Poi. 7. DIY fabric poi somewhat resembling HoP Cone Poi 8. HoP LED poi balls, the ones with 30 modes with DIY bouncy ball handles 9. My very first poi, hemp string with small washers tied to the bottom as a weight, put together incredibly fast. 10. DIY 4.5" braided fire poi heads (like the "Twista" braid) on 2.4mm chain and the wooden ball handles with a swivel. 11. DIY 4" cathedral fire poi heads 12. DIY 2" cathedral fire poi heads (my first fire poi :))
Two sets of poi being shipped at the moment. About 15 Flowlights, ohhh and my 6L collapsable contact Flowstaff. All of my LED and Contact poi use Colecord, however I'm excited to try the Flowcord.
My ever-growing collection of flow, as I like to call it. Cleaning out my wallet like no other lol.
rustyjelloSILVER Member stranger 1 post Location: USA
Posted: It's Getting Ridiculous
Flowtoys 2 Water 2 Air 2 Love 2 Watermelon 3 sets of crystal cases 2 with mases 3 sets of flow leashes Flow poi cases Flow poi duo's Flowtoys 8L contact staff Px3 handles
Home of poi stuff Whole made 8ft of wick cathedrals chains and swivels bought supplies on HOP Pro Monkey Fists with silicone ball handles 80mm Orange mb Contact poi
From other places Fire Flow wand Led programmable Pixle poi Led persistence of motion poi LEM Gloves made Glow in the dark mb 80mm contact poi with px3
antonovcBRONZE Member stranger 2 posts Location: USA
Posted: 1 pair of monkey fist poi, all kevlar heads, with weighted monkeys fist handles.. 1 pair of Triple monkeys fist poi, smallest head being at the top, with 3 different sizes of heads depending on position. 1 pair of glow poi 1 set of double staves 1 set of Torch Poi 1 set of custom fire fans (soon to come) Countless sets of sock poi..
Posted: I’ve got 1 glow sock poi and a pair of poi.
Gary_CifersSILVER Member member 64 posts Location: Oklahoma, USA
Posted: DIY fire cane and a pair of money fists... sitting over here being jelly at the people that can afford all these awesome toys lol EDITED_BY: Gary_Cifers (1342222940)
Trybal WolfSILVER Member Wolf Furry 517 posts Location: Earth, USA
Brandon_DerryBRONZE Member stranger 16 posts Location: Canada
I own:
- 1 set of fire poi with ball chain - 1 glow ball pair attachable to ball chain - 1 pair of blue sock poi - 1 pair homeade contact poi (orange heads) - 1 pair homeade monkey fist rope poi