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Nick PoetSILVER Member member 7 posts Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Can I bring basic poi and devil sticks (non fire) as carry on? I will be flying on Air Canada to Cancun, Mexico. Thank you!
tracethefaceBRONZE Member angry turtle 101 posts Location: Another haunted factory., USA
Posted: unless they're very innocent looking cone poi, i'd seriously call and ask ahead of time. it may seem a little excessive but i've seen (and had) far less harmful looking things get confiscated.
i've always been impressed when i've seen people's tutorials recorded in airport terminals (i guess that's one point for being able to), but i'd be careful. i would guess that nothing would happen unless you're "randomly selected" for further inspection or if the scan looks suspicious... or if the security guard has been wanting to try spinning and is feeling greedy. if any of those is the case and they go through your bag, i'd guess there's a fair chance you won't be able to take them aboard. depending on your airport that means they're confiscated or they just don't go with you on the plane.
all that being said, i've never actually tried taking my poi on a plane as i'm pretty sure they would get confiscated. mine all look fairly industrial... if yours are especially friendly looking, i'd imagine most of my concerns would be nullified.
someone else can probably give you better insights, but in case nobody else does, i thought i'd throw in my two cents.
enjoy the trip!
beaniebobGOLD Member casually noob tech poi spinrar 155 posts Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: One of my friends has had his contact poi refused for carry-on luggage at Australian Domestic terminals - something about the possibility of him using the rope for strangling peeps. The only reason they saw the poi was that he was carrying a two flowstaffs and some PX3 juggling clubs, which look sort of dodgy on the xray machine. I went through before him with mah cone poi and contact poi and had no problems.
They didn't seem to care much about his cone poi, but keep in mind this was at an Australian domestic airport. In any case he was told to just put them through as checked luggage - no confiscation of any sort.
"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error."
Nick PoetSILVER Member member 7 posts Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Just so you guys know, they're sock poi and I guess my devil sticks and slackline should be checked in, right?
willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member Hunting robot foxes 1,046 posts Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)
Posted: Just take the balls and socks seperate. Balls are fine, socks are fine but balls in sock could be seen as a weapon
Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!
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