Forums > Other Toys > what do you get when you combine rope dart, frisbee, and levi stick

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Sideshow JoeGOLD Member
A man with spectacular ideas but none of the funding to accomplish them
4 posts
Location: Earth, USA

The UFO. The unidentified flaming object. This thing is weird. Most people are clueless as to how or what it is when they first see it

You say the customer is always right, I say your wrong, but since you say I'm right, then i'm right by your own admission so you are wrong!

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Has potential. I must say it has potential.

Not quite ready to part with my money though. wink

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

MidkiffBRONZE Member
shadow stranger
462 posts
Location: Carmi, Illinois, USA

so are there any videos of its use?

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Yeah there's a vid on the site. Looks like a giant gyrating flaming disc shaped rope dart.

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

Austin_HaffeySILVER Member
6 posts
Location: USA

Looks interesting.

I'm hesitant to lay down the $175 though. I'm sort of in the boat with Lone Wolf here, it could be worth the money, but it could also not be. Good luck on the kickstarter, i'm sure it'll get some popularity.

Sideshow JoeGOLD Member
A man with spectacular ideas but none of the funding to accomplish them
4 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Hey guys
There are not that many videos of its use as there are currently only two in existence. And you know how it goes when burning. You may have the best spin of your life and nobody pulled out the camera. I just updated the page with new rewards and need to get to a pc today to add some new photos. Just cant do everything from a phone.
And i know the pledge to reward pricing may seem high but thats cause shipping needs to be included in all rewards. Wierd format but thank you all for your feedback. Much love

You say the customer is always right, I say your wrong, but since you say I'm right, then i'm right by your own admission so you are wrong!

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