1 post

hello, helen in the highlands o' scotland... The very, very north of Scotland. I'm 34 and last Monday filled a pair of my husbands socks with a handful of dried pinto beans (wiffy poi) and have been swinging, spinning and making poi shapes for exactly one week. Kinda addicted and figured out 3 beat weave turns and my forward 5 beat weave just today. Following instructionals on playpoi . com.

Other than that, hacky sack freak for 20 years, snowboarder, ice skater, road bowler, guitar player, knitter, spindle wool spinner, fire maker, herb magic maker, world traveller, pescetarian food maker, ger dweller, off gridder, hitchhiker, horse rider, coo tamer, with a bit o' juggling and bottle and pint glass spinning on the side.

Came across poi as I love "skill games" and fire. Total pyro. Build stoves, ovens and other apparatus to burn things efficiently and in clever ways. smile

don't do vege, mar or nutella. How about labneh, almond butter or hummus?

Hope to get some tips and advice from folk and maybe even meet some fellow highland spinners??

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Hello, welcome to HOP. Good luck with poi. You can find many great learning resources here on this site.

You could also check out playpoi.com. They have some very good instructional videos. (Not DVDs, but YouTube vids on their site.)

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

Psycho_lemmingSILVER Member
Running hippy spinning lemming
15 posts
Location: Scotland

Welcome to HOP Helen!

I just popped back in having just re-found my poi at New Years, socks have never been so much fun...

wave from the central belt

Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering...

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