1 post

I have been asked to teach poi spinning at a new dance studio and the owner is requesting that I have instructor insurance. I am having a very hard time finding coverage even if I explain to the insurance companies that there will be no fire in these classes. Any help is greatly appreciated.

ABOB - Pois'n'us
178 posts
Location: Northern Ireland

might need to say the country youre in (or in the US, might need which state) to get a good response

my recommendation is dont say to the insurance company anything about fire unless you plan on teaching it as part of your lessons; as soon as you say the word 'fire', even if you insist to them that you will do it underwater to stop the risk of fire, they will have alarm bells going off. have you tried asking other dance instructors in your area who they use? saying that the poi are an extension of movements, using safe/soft props, unlikely to cause more than a small bruise if it does hurt someone, etc. should be the best angle to approach it -also add how much experience you already have with them, especially any teaching experience (even in an unofficial standing)

also look for 'business for flow artists' group on facebook, theres a lot of useful info there on the business side of things
EDITED_BY: ABOBer92 (1464266752)

I dont want to be called 'the greatest' or 'one of the greats'; let other guys claim to be the best. I just want to be known as a clown, to me thats the height of my profession. It means you can do everything-sing, dance, and above all, make people laugh

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