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matthewcolSILVER Member Member 5 posts Location: USA
Posted: I am not sure why there isn't a single person in existence anywhere that has addressed a major problem with the Enigma.
I will explain the issue first, then explain the problem involved
THE ISSUE: I've watched about 25 videos about this move. Instructional, as well as performance, and this move is impossible to learn from any of them. Despite everyone claiming it's simple, or easy to do. that couldn't be further from the truth. This move is so complex, that I actually gave up on it until this issue gets addressed.
THE PROBLEM INVOLVED: Despite what the videos show and explain and anyone who does the move's knowledge, there isn't a single video that addresses the weight of the ball itself.
I have a 95MM 1lb clear acrylic ball, and the sheer weight of it makes it completely impossible to hold the way any instructional video on the enigma is showing it to be held.
Furthermore, it's impossible to move your hands in the way being shown. Moving the ball down or up presents a very serious conflict in motion.
After attempting to very carefully copy, what was shown in any of these videos, my hands always wind up in a direction and position where In order to set the position of continuing to rotate in one motion, I have to literally set the ball down, reposition my finger and thumb,then pick the ball back up again which of course then winds up with the same problem once I roll the ball.
The movement only allows for a single roll one way. Once the first roll is done between the first finger and the thumb, you're stuck there, it is completely impossible to close your opposite first finger and do another roll. As I said above, the only way you can continue the roll is by setting the ball down, repositioning your finger and thumb, and picking the ball back up.
I will be making and posting a video showing what happens.
matthewcolSILVER Member Member 5 posts Location: USA