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Profile for Phanatic

Registered on: 9th Dec 2001
Total posts: 6

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Last Forum Posts

Hey, I moved to Glasgow in January, here for a year from Australia. I've been wondering about firespinners here too - was hoping there'd be a club at the University of Glasgow but unfor...

I used to firebreath with just a lighter quite a bit. I now realise that I was a bloody moron!!! Thankfully (well, thanks to you guys), I had the common sense to realise how stupid it w...

That's all too true. I do like your idea of a compromise, with one poi already lit. Safety is always an issue. I wonder if you had a small bamboo torch that used citronella or a spare s...

Follow your Friends

Flower fairy
360 Raccoon
chemical burn
around the body keltic knot
May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor
LED buugeng trails
Dragon at the Burn
burned by geometry
Stage high
Do what you love. Love what you do.
Bekars flaiming heart
Zen pose
Look into my eyes... closer...
Yet another hard day at the office
Sweethearts on the beach
Levitation Wizardry
Spinning Over the City
Drum Circle Tree Hoopin
Dragon Staffing
Claudia Laguardia on the Lyra
Dragon roll.
Light Bath Manipulation
smile, its free therapy
Cody chance at seven lions
Inside the flames
Railay Beach, Krabi province, Thailand

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