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Profile for Warior Drake

Warior Drake
SILVER Member since Apr 2010
Registered on: 13th Apr 2010
Total posts: 203

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Last Forum Posts

Welcome to the insanity, my friend. Enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to ask for anything you might need.

Ahoy, stranger. Welcome to the family. Don't worry about the led poi to the head stuff. After a few serious blunt traumas the nerve endings will be killed off and you won't feel a th...

Welcome aboard, fellow spinners.Congrats on your house purchase.Aston, good to see you're still informing the kind people of the community about the dangers of squirrels.

Follow your Friends

Burning crown
Spiral Angel
Baltic  sea dreams
Sunsets and hoops
HyperLoops Beach
Love Making Fire
Fire on the Beach
Pin Sparkles
Its not a shot unless you almost die
Cave Butterfly
Why Spin?
Aerial pixie
Bryant Park Juggling
Double Dolls
Sunset Fire Poi
My happy place
Blissfully Weaving
Fire Hooping at the Quarry
rueda de chispas
Got to think of something.
Dances with Fire
Black and white buzzsaw
Yin Yang
fantstic sunset
Just spinning in the night rain
firefly poi

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