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Profile for Mini Mansell

Mini Mansell
Registered on: 12th May 2010
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

Over the past few months people have been hard at work creating what is hoped to me a definitive guide to The British Juggling Convention.there are over 350 pages of information, Hist...

As many of you know, a venue for BJC 2011 was not fixed at this years BJC,Two teams have stepped forward to offer to run it, and have posted their proposalss at http://www.thebritishj...

Follow your Friends

Ladies of the Lake, Hail Mayhem!
make it rain
Let your wolf out
Fire torches x
First performance
Ignis the clown
Spiral Galaxy
Flying fans
UV dream
Day of the Dead
Fire & Skin
5416m Thurong la pass
medulla acrobata
Lake life
florida morning sesh
Shine bright like a diamond
One word says it all!
Enchanted forest dance
Fan The Flames
Fire at Baltic Sea
caught in a spin
Winter Dream
Jump with Poi
Blindfolded Dragon
Preiatosaurus Rex

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