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Profile for TheGrynygogg

Registered on: 20th Dec 2001
Total posts: 47

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Last Forum Posts

I find it soo hard to visulise a move move when reading how to do it, so I went out side and tried it and it works. Is it just me or does everyone have trouble visulising the written wo...

Could pictures be posted to help my frail mind cope with such information please? I don't think that I even know the throws of which you speak.

How about plain olde English Quarter-Staff fighting. Maybe not much use to you but apparently they teach it in Hydepark on sat or sunday mornings. Perhaps this is true and maybe someone...

Follow your Friends

A flower and its bee
Festival flowing
Balance Beyond Duality
Jester Jack Playing Around
Fire Heart &lt;3
Smile :
Beach Speed Spinning
fun on the beach
My Signature Burlesque Face
A face in the fire
Contactstaff black & white
The Divine Dance
Typhlosion Gijinka
glitter sea
Rope in the light
Is this just fantasy?
Gogo Dancing & Poi
Fire and Ice
find that funny
double poi post
Kissing a Fire Dragon
Above the River
Light my fire!
Dancing in the rain
Fire staff
In the zone
Night fun

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