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Profile for iamrelevart

SILVER Member since Jul 2011
Registered on: 23rd Jul 2011
Total posts: 3

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Last Forum Posts

I got mine off lightzombiesI used Victorious Violet, Solar Flair, and Blazing Blue. The solar flair and the blazing blue blend really well together and each is distinctly bright enough...

So, I have done hardware mods on this, but when I read the flowtoys website, I run across this little jewel:"Hackable: constant-current driver, 0.9v to 5v power range and convenie...

Let me preface this with "I am no doctor"I used to throw a lot of javelin and discus and as a result I have several small tears in my cartilage in my right shoulder joint. It...

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Hoopers Pose 🧘‍♀️
Spirits of the Flame
Flying in Silk
Puppet Fire
Freddie bending one hand
34 weeks pregnant
Trampoline Poi
Flower caps
Park Daze
Who needs arm hair anyway
Hearts on Fire
Motion blur
high art
Fire fly
Hoopy Halloween
contact juggling ninja 2
third eye
spark poi inferno
Fire on the sea
Last breath
Guan Yin fire goddess
City Hall Circles
Lyra Love x2
Rare Snow Day Flow Day

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