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Profile for BrookeHalsey

SILVER Member since Oct 2011
Registered on: 16th Oct 2011
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

Fresshhh.. (: Super excited, so I've been posting this everywhere, haha. :3

I'll be in Japan at the end of this year, during Christmas and New Years and such. I'm looking for a little community over there, or if they have festivals or anything. (:

Follow your Friends

Cosmic Crusader
36th Birthday!
Walking Through Fire
Through the gates of hell
Linked leg back bend
Lotus Fans
Imaginary prop friend
Fire Dress
Summer living
Love the poi shaps..
dancing with fire
Bright Life
Downtown fall festival
Light show
poi in the sky
Fire Sprite at Imbolc
A leap of faith
Poison Ivy 🔥
the thrill and beauty of life
Fire dance
Flowers grow in the graveyard
green lilly
May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor
Keep the flames burning!
Fire is gold
Shades of Nature

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