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Profile for ishkadoodles

GOLD Member since Mar 2005
Registered on: 20th Mar 2005
Total posts: 61


User Experience Specialist


Minneapolis, MN, USA


book art, drawing/painting, reading, dancing, working, sleeping, Poi


Wings of Fire

Last Forum Posts

Kaylene! oh I'm glad you made your way to HoP! you probably don't check this anymore but thought I'd post anyway. I wish we had time to spin together!

well, decided on not getting the dreads for now. every morning at the breakfast table I found myself getting attacked for my wanting them. I don't want to deal with &lbr;censored&rbr; f...

yeah, I'm guessing you're right. I did try to point out the differences between bonfire and fire dancing but *shrug* what they don't know won't hurt them... I'll just keep his card on m...


Silk Suede Fabric  
19th September, 2006
"This video is amazing! so glad I got it. tons of inspiration."
Katherine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2005

2008 Calendar  
17th March, 2008
well done!
"This is a great calendar thanks to all those involved. Very beautiful"
Katherine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2005

COL2006 DVD  
19th September, 2006
"This video is amazing! so glad I got it. tons of inspiration."
Katherine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2005

The Scales of Poi - Lessons  
10th September, 2006
more than a how-to video
"when I ordered this I thought it was going to be some kind of how-to video and would teach how to do specific moves but its better than that. it shows you how to train yourself with the basics of poi and movement. It gives great examples of what you can do with the basics creating a very solid starting point for the imagination to run wild. I'd love to see more of Nick's work in the future. very inspiring!"
Katherine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2005

Pair of Sock Poi with Carry Bag  
10th September, 2006
excellent for practicing!
"These are tons of fun while I'm just practicing for fire or playing around learning new moves. doesn't hurt when I hit myself. Only problem I have is just when I use these a lot and then switch to fire I get a little weirded out by the change in weight and stretch. But I would totally recommend getting a pair!"
Katherine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Mar 2005

Follow your Friends

Defying Gravity!
Fire of Soul
Smiles for miles!!
Mountain and sky
a Fire to be lit
Balancing with Bella
Fire Nunchaku
Icy Limbs
Fire backbend
drop it low girl
Swords & Smiles
Dancing flames
One eye ball juggling
pop up poi with better lights :-)
Kissing a Fire Dragon
In the forest ....
Flirting with Fire
sparkle me pretty
Flaming Sword of Imber
PanAm Performance
Hoop smile
Midnight flow
Halloween flow
Fiery booty
Fire and Water Serpents
Dead Jester
The Fire Bender
Split decision
Fire fans

Bulletin HOP

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