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Profile for Ross Wheeler

Ross Wheeler
BRONZE Member since Nov 2013
Registered on: 13th Nov 2013
Total posts: 7

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Last Forum Posts

Just sharing our first video of the first two month's highlights of Camborne Circus Jams; a juggling club in Cornwall, UK open to anyone of any level whilst being a base for The Crooked...

Got a new page up with a glow special week this week :) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Camborne-Circus-Jams/583208365082580?ref=hl

Any Cornish Spinners, Jugglers or any performers feeling this weather...? Get on down the warming GLOW SPECAL at Camborne Circus Jams this Wednesday night. We'll be turning the juggling...

Follow your Friends

Glow Poi + Glow Suit
Fire Trooper
The Art of Firefighting
Frozen Lake Flow
Blazing Circles
Poi-veil Japan
Zaffire Pheonix
Dressed in fire
Fire in the hills
mexico city
Lunar fire
Happy Beats
Double X
Lady Phoenix
Hot Seduction
LED Rockin
5416m Thurong la pass
5 ball group
Fire - passion - love
Flaring up the Cave
The Devil Makes Three
Torch Poi....
Something Wicked
Prop Wall
Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames
Reaching for the sky

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